7+ Taskbar Tweaker is 15 years old today!

Exactly 15 years ago, 7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.0 was released (changelog).

This continues the celebration tradition after the five years celebration and the ten years celebration. This time, it’s likely the last celebration as 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is doomed to become irrelevant soon. If you didn’t follow the recent blog posts, the short version is that Windows 11 comes with a new taskbar implementation, making 7+ Taskbar Tweaker incompatible and requiring a reimplementation of many of its options. After this realization, Windhawk, the customization marketplace for Windows and programs, was released to become the successor of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. Many 7+ Taskbar Tweaker options were already ported to Windhawk mods, and it’s an ongoing effort to port more options and fill the gaps.

Below is a short timeline of the most notable milestones of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker during its lifetime.

Happy birthday! You served well!

September 30

7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.0 is released, 22 days before Windows 7 general availability.

August 12

7 Taskbar Tweaker v4.0 is released with Windows 8 support. Renamed to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

August 22

7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.0 is released with Windows 10 support.

July 3

After a first look at Windows 11, it becomes clear that it comes with a new taskbar implementation, and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker can't be just updated as it was done for previous Windows versions.

October 22

7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.12 is released with Windows 11 support, as long as the old taskbar is restored, which is still possible via registry or a third-party tool.

March 7

Windhawk is released to become the successor of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

November 30

The first Windows 11 build that signals the removal of the old taskbar is released.

October 14

Windows 10 is planned to reach end of support, putting an end to the long journey of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on September 30th, 2024.
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13 Responses to “7+ Taskbar Tweaker is 15 years old today!”

  1. VEG says:

    There will be ESU updates for Windows 10 for at least 3 more years after 2025.

  2. raveren says:

    huge thanks for all these years of hard work <3

  3. George says:

    Many thanks for your continued work and Happy belated Birthday!

    Just discovered 7+TT and loving it. A bit sad to read about its impending doom.

    Will still keep using W10 (couldn’t upgrade even if I wanted to anyway) until it is safe to do so.

    I think (and hope) it won’t be that simple for Microsoft to take down W10 and it will require many more years than originally planned.

  4. Quinn says:

    Can you, please, tell us if you intend to update 7+TT for the next three years due to ESU for Win 10?

  5. El says:

    Found myself here after I could not longer stand the taskbar playing musical chairs with every virtual desktop switch. All this farewell talk is making me sad. It’s such a great tool!

    I’m getting anxious about Microsoft changing everything up on us.

    BTW, for old time’s sake, you wouldn’t happen to have a fix up your for sleeve for the virtual_desktop_order_fix feature in Win10, would you? It broke a few months ago. Organizing’s been rough ever since.

  6. El says:

    I just realized the sorting problem only happens if I drag a program in front of a pinned item. Whether or not the pinned item is running.

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