7+ Taskbar Tweaker
7+ Taskbar Tweaker allows you to configure various aspects of the Windows taskbar.
Most of the configuration options it provides can’t be tweaked using the taskbar properties or the registry.
The tweaker is designed for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
7tt_setup.exe (1.78 MB, changelog)
Latest version: v5.15.3
Note: The installer can be used to extract a portable version. Refer to the FAQ below for details.
Beta version
7tt_setup_beta.exe (1.78 MB, changelog)
Latest beta version: v5.15.2.2
More info about beta versions.
Windows 11 Support Status
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t support the Windows 11 taskbar, and probably never will. See this blog post for more details.
- Some of the tweaks are available in Windows 11 as Windhawk mods. See here for the list of mods, and vote for missing mods that you’d like to see implemented. Read more about Windhawk here.
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker works on Windows 11 version 23H2 and older with the old taskbar which can be restored with third party tools. See this blog post for more details.
Demo video
Here is a video that demonstrates some of the tweaks:
Source code
Q: Which registry keys does 7+ Taskbar Tweaker modify? I don't need extra processes in my system.
A: The only registry keys the tweaker modifies are its own settings. There are no registry keys for the options it provides. The tweaker does that by injecting a DLL to explorer, hooking/subclassing/some other methods of the dark side.
As for extra processes, the tweaker is a native program, and is very lightweight. It shouldn’t slow down your system, and uses an extremely small amount of memory. Also, you can hide the tray icon if you want.
In case you want to remove the tweaker's settings from the registry, look for them here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7 Taskbar Tweaker
(7 Taskbar Tweaker
P.S. if you're a programmer, you might want to take a look at the 7+ Taskbar Tweaking Library.
Q: My antivirus complains about 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
A: It's a false positive. I guarantee that the tweaker binaries (and any other files on this site, unless specifically noted) are 100% clean.
Also remember that the tweaker injects into explorer and modifies its memory, which is indeed suspicious.
Q: Can I Group/Combine/Label only some of the items on the taskbar?
A: Yes, use Taskbar Inspector.
Q: May I use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker in a commercial environment?
A: Yes, feel free to use it wherever you want.
Q: Where is the portable version?
A: When installing the tweaker, choose the Portable type of install, as shown on the image below.
The portable version will be extracted to the selected folder.
Note: If the tweaker is already installed on your computer, the option won't be visible. You can launch the setup with the /portable
command line switch to force a portable installation.
Q: I want to report a bug/suggest a feature! What is the best way to do it?
A: Post it on the UserEcho page.
Q: I want to translate 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to my language.
A: The archive below contains the files needed to be translated.
Please read readme.txt before proceeding.
7tt_translate.zip (758.63 kB)
If you are brave enough to translate the help file, contact me for the required software and files.
Tags: 7+ taskbar tweaker
How to hide Taskbar Icons that are located in windows taskbar?
7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t have such functionality.
Can you recommend application that do so?
I don’t use such an application, but I heard of RBTray, you might want to try it.
Doesn’t work on Win11 23H2 new beta build 22631.2129 with StartAllBack v3.6.11
yes, I can confirm this
Do you know whether it’s caused by the new Windows build, 22631.2129, or by this specific version of StartAllBack, v3.6.11?
it caused by the new Windows build, StartAllBack is also updated for new build.
7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (5)
Library initialization failed, perhaps your Windows version is not
Please try the newly released beta version, Let me know whether it works for you.
Great! It works now 🙂
Thank you, works again
for a question, On windows 7 I was able to group programs that were not the same, like task manager and resource monitor, but on 10 these wont group, is there any setting or way to get programs like that to group? I have several that I like to keep together but they just wont on 10.
Windows 7 and 10 are similar in this regard. How were you doing this on Windows 7? You should be able to use Taskbar Inspector, or the “Drag within/between groups using right mouse button” option.
Check out this post:
I had to move off 7, and since then the drive it was installed on died, so I can’t go back and look, however on 7 I was able to right click task manager, drag it to resource monitor, and it would be its own group, however I can’t get the same to happen on 10, it seems a bit random as to what can and can’t be grouped
for instance, I can combine notepad++ with chrome, with everything, with discord, task manager and resource monitor, but when I try to combine resource monitor with the new task manager/notepad++ group it won’t do it.
I don’t remember having any restrictions on what grouped together on windows 7 beyond there being so many things they no longer make group thumbnails.
I can’t drag taskmanager to notepad++ but I can drag notepad++ to taskmanager
any idea what is causing this restriction and if there is an option to deal with it?
I just remembered that I do have another thing that messes with the task bar installed, openshell, any idea if something there conflicts?
That’s because task manager and resource monitor are running as administrator, so 7+ Taskbar Tweaker can’t affect their grouping. It behaves in the same way in Windows 7, too. One difference is that in Windows 7, task manager doesn’t run as administrator by default, but in Windows 10 it does.
thanks I think that explains everything.
how to keep open tasks to the right without dragging them. for instance I have pinned google chrome in the middle of other taskbar icons, but want to open to the far right whenever I open google chrome.
If you enable “Don’t group pinned items”, Chrome will open on the far right, but the pinned item will stay in the middle. There’s no option in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to move it to the right otherwise.
Useful tool. However, I miss a function to remove the “extra gap” between the SysTray icons. Especially in low resolutions the gap is quite big.
You can do it with the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler mod. Right now it’s not very straightforward, I’m working on making it easier.
Ok, but I have only Windows 10 …
In this case, you can use the tray_icons_padding advanced option. Advanced options can be accessed from the tray icon right click menu of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. Refer to the help file for more details.
Great program, very user friendly interface and easy to use.
I would like to know if it’s possible to export the “disable_items_drag”
registry and make it work without running the program, and I’ll eleborate why.
I’m working as an IT technician at a school and I want to prevent students from rearranging the programs I’ve pinned on the taskbar, and the reason why I can’t run the program Is due to the custom antivirus that the municipality implemented on the computers.
I’ve tried showing and explaining to the head of the IT department that the program is safe and doesn’t have any virus but unfortunately no success.
Also I’ve tried all the local group policies to prevent changing settings in the taskbar but nothing works, the option to rearrange the pinned programs still works.
Hi John,
Unfortunately, that’s not possible, as it’s not a registry configuration. From the FAQ above:
v5.14.1.4 is doesn’t work on Win11 Beta Channel but v5.14.1.3 is still work
The preview channel builds are a moving target. Use whatever works for you. I believe that with the next update, v5.14.1.4 will be the version that works.
Can confirm this and couldn’t find a place to re-download
Here, I uploaded the most recent beta version files:
Hey man, I was wondering if there’s a toggle that hides the taskbar only on desktop?
Hi, do you mean, making the taskbar visible only if any other window is visible? There’s no such option in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
Oof okay, will there be any plans on updating the app and adding it as a feature? I’m sure many would want this one. Thank you!
No plans, sorry. If it’s very important to you and you’d like to sponsor it, contact me.
Hey, bro! In the latest version of Windows 11 (22631.2265), it seems to have become ineffective.
Hi, 22631.2265 is a preview build. Have you tried the beta version of the tweaker?
Yes, I understand that both the latest beta version v5.14.1.4 and the latest stable version v5.14.2 of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker have been tested for installation, and neither of them supports 22631.2265.
I just published v5.14.2.1 beta, please try it.
Thank you very much! It now runs perfectly on Windows 11 version 22631.2265.
NEW ERROR: “Taskbar wasn’t found (903)” – this FAIL popup happens even with NEW version 5.14.2 … anyone else having this happen?
I am using Portable version if that matters. (Windows 10 Version 22H2 OS Build 19045.3086)
PS: years ago that “$PLUGINSDIR” folder was required to work — it had some DLL files), but it is no longer included in recent versions — could something like that possibly help? Some patch with missing DLLs that Windows Update maybe overwrote?
Thanks for this amazing product!
That error means that 7+ Taskbar Tweaker couldn’t identify your taskbar. Are you using any other customization tools that might be interfering with it?
Regarding the “$PLUGINSDIR” folder, I’m not sure what you mean. See the FAQ for properly extracting the portable version of the tweaker.
No customizations; turns out my Windows 10 was being flaky, so I essentially “rebooted” — killed all instances of EXPLORER.EXE from Task Manager and then told it it Run a new one — and voila it now could “see” the Taskbar.
Thanks for the speedy reply, I really appreciate your enduring support of this important product! And I hope over the years many others have donated to show gratitude. Peace. 🙏
I have a problem with taskbar windows. I never group windows into a taskbar. I usually have several browser windows open (I use Brave and Firefox) and I am used to having something in the first window (several tabs in one topic), in the second window I have another topic (again several tabs), etc. Unfortunately, after closing the browsers and opening them again when you open the windows, they are arranged in a random order – the first one jumps to the 3rd place, etc. (windows from one application are still next to each other on the taskbar, but mixed). I have to rearrange the order every time. Unfortunately, this also happens when I switch to the second desktop (Win+Tab) – after returning to the first desktop, the windows are already mixed.
Is there any way to do this? Is it possible to somehow permanently assign the order of windows within one application?
Unfortunately there’s no general solution for that. For Firefox, you can try this extension.
You can use the virtual_desktop_order_fix advanced options. Refer to the help file for details.
Unfortunately, it’s incompatible with build 22621.2283 (today’s cumulative Windows update).
Should be fixed in the newly released v5.14.3.
It is! Thank you!
Where I can download the previous version? After updating 7++ task bar tweaker to version 5.14.3 it stopped working with the error: “Could not load library (102)”. The previous version worked.
I am using Windows 11 (10.0.22621 Build 22621) with old task bar.
Error 102 means that the exe and the dll versions don’t match. Reinstalling the tweaker should help.
It actually start working after I installed latest beta version: v5.14.2.1 and then installed latest 5.14.3 version over the beta.
Great program and it does what i need to do but i’m not sure if i’m missing a button somewhere , but it doesn’t seem to remember that certain apps are part of a group. If i close the apps and re-open them they do not get re-assigned to the group and i need to re-assign them manually each time. Is there a way to save the “Group Template” ? So if i close the apps down they go back in their group when i open them again ?
Groups are indeed not remembered. See my answer here:
Hello there,
first of all, thanks a bunch for your work.
After updating to v5.14.3 (I’m using W7) I get a notification once or twice a day on my PC. It says that the explorer.exe has to be restarted. As a consequence, the task bar disappears for a moment, and reappears again with items in a different order.
It’s not a super big deal, but a bit annoying.
Any chance to look into it, or any way to (for now) downloads v5.14.2?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Michael,
Seems like a crash. Can you please provide the details of the crash report? You can find the crash report in the Event Viewer. Look here for instructions: How do I find event logs when a program crashes?
Also, do you have other customization programs that may conflict with the tweaker?
Hi Michael,
here are the logs. The fist log is from the message that appears, the second one is from the crash report (event view error log). Sorry, it’ll be in German.
Explorer.exe stopped working:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: Explorer.EXE
Anwendungsversion: 6.1.7601.23537
Anwendungszeitstempel: 57c44efe
Fehlermodulname: KERNELBASE.dll
Fehlermodulversion: 6.1.7601.24545
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 5e0eb6bd
Ausnahmecode: e06d7363
Ausnahmeoffset: 000000000000b87d
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 8719
Zusatzinformation 2: 871917f7984f281de5dab5dd6604cbc9
Zusatzinformation 3: d59d
Zusatzinformation 4: d59dbb2eee77ea8ae8486e5ba12b2cbe
Event Viewer Error/Crash Report:
Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Explorer.EXE, Version: 6.1.7601.23537, Zeitstempel: 0x57c44efe
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: KERNELBASE.dll, Version: 6.1.7601.24545, Zeitstempel: 0x5e0eb6bd
Ausnahmecode: 0xe06d7363
Fehleroffset: 0x000000000000b87d
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0xd44
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d9ed1ec1eb37c0
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
Berichtskennung: 2a5ce0f4-5945-11ee-8512-7085c247c210
Hope that helps. Best,
Unfortunately the report doesn’t have enough information to diagnose the issue. All I can deduce is that the crash happens because
is called, which means that some code bails off explicitly. The tweaker’s code doesn’t do that, but it might cause this if it corrupts some state.To gather more info, can you create a crash dump and send it to me?
You can use ProcDump. Run
procdump64.exe -mp -e explorer.exe
and trigger the crash. The dump will be written to a file, the details will be printed in the ProcDump console window.Also, have you tried using your computer without the tweaker? Could it be that the crashes are unrelated?
I installed procdump and tried, but in the cmd it says it doesn’t recognize the command procdump.
What steps did you take? Try the following:
.cd /d "C:\procdump"
(or whatever folder you used).procdump64.exe -mp -e explorer.exe
.Wow, it’s messed up in the message.
I uploaded the entire report as an image: https://imgur.com/a/N4pMjsI
Regarding v5.14.2, you can get old versions of the tweaker here, but I’d rather fix the problem.
I just upgraded from W7 to W10 and now the bottom right corner that shows the desktop on click annoys me a bit because it also shows the desktop on mouseover.
Can the mouseover be disabled please?
Thank you
Hi Peter, try this guide:
Oh I feel stupid now. Did not expect Windows to have this option, so I did not google it in the first place. Thank you very much.
Could the “hide the start button” option do something different? Instead of fully hiding it, it would shrink the button into something like “show desktop” button on the corner right. Or making the start button pop-up when the cursor is moved to corner left like Windows 8 does.
I’d say this is a feature request than a question, is it possible?
Check out the no_start_btn_spacing advanced option. Refer to the help file for more details.
Works as what I wanted 👍
But why does the start button need to be double clicked to open the start menu?
If it’s for the primary monitor, make sure that the taskbar is locked.
If it’s for a secondary monitor, I remember a limitation like this, and I tried to address it, but didn’t find a straightforward solution. In the end, the limitation is about the way the taskbar responds to mouse events, and the secondary taskbar is slightly different from the main taskbar in this regard.
Hi, I have been using 7+TT for years! And until today also on Windows 11.
After today’s Windows update I got the message “7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could Not Load Library (1004)”.
I know win11 is not supported! but I’m begging you 🙂 please help me getting this one 7+TT feature to work:
On 7+TT Icon -> Right Click -> Advanced Options -> no_width_limit 1
Please teach me how to enable this in windows! Thank you
If you are interested, these are the win11 updates that made 7+TT stop working:
2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323)
2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354)
I couldn’t reproduce the crash with those updates, Explorer Patcher, and the latest version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. What’s your version of the tweaker? Does it crash with all of the tweaker’s options disabled?
Also, can you create a crash dump and send it to me?
You can use ProcDump. Run
procdump64.exe -mp -e explorer.exe
and trigger the crash. The dump will be written to a file, the details will be printed in the ProcDump console window.Michael, Thanks for answering!
I thought I had the latest version but it was 15.4.1, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled Latest version: v5.14.3, and now everything is working again! 🙂 🙂
BTW, I also use “StartAllBack” together with 7+TT.
Sorry I didn’t do a crash dump before uninstalling, but it seems now unnecessary.
Great, I’m glad that it works now 🙂 yes, the crash dump is unnecessary
First of all thanks for incredibly useful program.
Drag within groups using right mouse button – extremely amazing.
Can You think about the one action in Double Click on empty space or Middle Click on empty space.
Taskbar in Auto-hide mode…
when notification occurs, the taskbar comes out of Hide (do unhide) and does not hide until the user activates the window that made the notification.
sometimes the notification does, for example, one of the chrome tasks and sometimes the window is not even highlighted. (I turned off flickering – it’s very annoying during notification)
in this case User cannot see what window occurs notification and forced to click on all windows sequentially.
in addition, if the taskbar is located on top, it covers the captions of maximized windows or tabs in Chrome …. this is disaster.
if You can please add action “Skip notifications and Hide” or something like that at Double or Middle Click on empty space.
Thank in advance.
Your feature request is quite specific, but recently somebody created a Windhawk mod which seems to help with this exact issue, check it out:
Can it show only thumbnail preview when hovering? Currently it will show both thumbnail and tooltip.
Check out the always_show_tooltip advanced option. Refer to the help file for more details.
Wow, I didn’t know 7+ has advanced options. Thx. It works great.
I see there is a tray_icons_padding option, it’s really good. Is there also an option for taskbar_icons?
No, there’s no such an option.
I have encounter a problem that thumbnail might stop showing after a while. After restart explorer.exe it’s showing again.
I’m not aware of such a problem. Please check whether it happens when the tweaker isn’t running as well.
Hi. ESET Endpoint Security antivirus reported an infection of the exe file (ML/Augur Trojan) and has been removing it since October 20, 2023. Previously everything worked fine. Can I fix this without changing my antivirus settings? I can’t manually add it to the whitelist because the administrator has blocked this option (it’s a company computer).
If 7+ Taskbar Tweaker was downloaded from this website and wasn’t modified, then it’s surely a false positive detection. Unfortunately, struggling with false positives is a non-ending hassle.
This problem was discussed many times in the blog comments, for example:
See also Nir Sofer’s blog post, Antivirus companies cause a big headache to small developers, a good write-up about the problem.
Regarding ESET, I don’t see it detecting the latest version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker on VirusTotal:
It would be best for you to contact ESET as a customer and ask them about it. There’s not much I can do on the tweaker’s side.
ESET also blocked and deleted the 7TT exe file (from the portable version, v5.14.3) for me starting on 10/20. It is not the install file which gets flagged, but the exe created by the install. I have submitted the file to ESET today for analysis as a false positive via the ESET GUI. Hopefully they will soon fix it to no longer be flagged as malware.
Yes, the same thing happened to me with the portable version. After Michael’s answer, I also reported the problem to ESET support yesterday. I’m waiting for their response.
It’s working again with ESET.
Finally, the difficult period at work without 7+TT is over 🙂
nice work…
Just a head-up in case you’re getting startup errors with slightly older versions: the latest beta seems to play nice with Win11 22H2 and StartAllBack. Catastrophe averted.
Is it somehow possible to get thumbnail previews when hovering over uncombined items, but list view when hovering over combined items?
This would make it work more like it does on Vista. I have “Hovering” set to “List”, which works great for combined items, but for uncombined I just get a single list item of the same item I am hovering over, which is kind of superfluous. Would be nice if it showed the preview or window peek in a case like this instead.
I believe in Vista it also shows window peek when hovering over list items of combined buttons. Not sure if window peek even is possible on Windows 10.
7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t have such functionality, but you can try the following registry option:
Getting incompatible version popups with the latest 7+ beta ( after updating Windows 11 to its 23H2 (2023 Update).
I’m using StartAllBack to get back 7+ Taskbar Tweaker functionality, and it worked fine until today’s update. Any chance of an update? This numbered Windows update doesn’t seem to change anything that wasn’t changed with earlier patches, so it’s likely just a matter of including the new build number to the compatibility list.
Have you tried v5.14.3?
That’s not the case, there’s no “compatibility list” that affects functionality, if it doesn’t work or crashes then it’s simply unsupported.
The incompatibility message below probably what they refer to. I started having it as well. Also, where to get 5.14.3? This page says (and downloads to) the latest beta is v5.14.2.1 and I haven’t found an update.
An unsupported build of Windows 10/11 was detected, probably an insider build.
This beta version has experimental support for Windows 10/11 Dev Channel build 25267, but it might work for other builds as well. If you have a newer Windows 10/11 build and the tweaker doesn’t work, check for a newer beta version.
The experimental support is available for those who donated to the project. If you don’t insert a code, the tweaker will behave like the latest non-beta version.
Oh, lol, never mind about 5.14.3. I grabbed the latest beta without realizing that the official version is newer. Just tried it. Similar message (slightly different phrasing but same idea).
Another update, sorry. Just saw that the 5.14.3 allows to toggle the “Don’t warn me about incompatibilities in the future” flag, so looks like the issue is solved for now.
So the message is the only issue, and it works fine otherwise?
What is the version of your explorer.exe file? (located in
, can be seen in file properties.)Yeah, both this and beta versions seem to work fine. I had the beta running with 23H2 for a few days and didn’t notice any issues at all, aside from the pop-up.
The Explorer version is 10.0.22621.2428, modified on November 1, 2023, if that helps.
I’ve just released version 5.15 which is compatible with Windows 11 version 23H2.
After a prolonged uptime, possibly after some other program has executed, the standard window menu stops appearing upon right-clicking on a taskbar button. Nothing at all happens. A restart of the tweaker doesn’t help. This is on Server 2008 R2.
I’m not aware of such a problem. I know that some apps don’t support the standard window menu altogether (e.g. VSCode), and that sometimes the jump list menu stops working (this bug).
Yes, for some reason, when I downloaded this, my taskbar started crashing at random times.
Can you please provide the details of the crash report? You can find the crash report in the Event Viewer. Look here for instructions.
Also, can you create a crash dump and send it to me? You can use ProcDump. Run
procdump64.exe -mp -e explorer.exe
and wait for the crash. The dump will be written to a file, the details will be printed in the ProcDump console window.My Windows 11 updated and now 7+ Taskbar Tweaker does not work with Explorer Patcher. Is anyone else having this issue or does anyone know of a workaround? Thanks.
What do you mean by “does not work”? Are you getting an error message? A crash?
Also, please specify your 7+ Taskbar Tweaker version and the version of your explorer.exe file.
Meaning 7+ Tweaker no longer works, it is all greyed out. I am using v5.15
Patcher is 22621.608.51.6
It doesn’t become grayed without an error message. Do you remember seeing an error message? Perhaps you selected to never show it again.
Also, are you using ExplorerPatcher in Windows 11 taskbar mode? This mode isn’t supported by the tweaker.
I did not see an error message. I downloaded StartAllBack and that is working for now except I cannot get rid of the annoying search magnifying glass on the taskbar next to the start menu. I will probably just keep this until the trial runs out and then hopefully 7+ will work on Explorer Patcher by then.
Since updating my Windows 10 last time (explorer.exe version 10.0.19041.3693, Windows version 19044.9693), explorer.exe has been randomly crashing. I managed to get a stack trace. Do you think this might be caused by incompatibility with 7 taskbar tweaker?
ExceptionAddress: 00007ff7e1d6b8bf (explorer!CWindowTaskItem::UpdateLastActivatedTime+0x000000000000002f)
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000
Parameter[1]: 00000000001b27e0
Attempt to read from address 00000000001b27e0
CallSite explorer!CWindowTaskItem::UpdateLastActivatedTime + 0x2f BSTR 0x38
FunctionName CWindowTaskItem::UpdateLastActivatedTime BSTR 0x28
FunctionOffset 0x2f unsigned __int64
Parameters BSTR 0x0
StackOffset 0x2eaedf0 unsigned __int64
ReturnOffset 0x7ff7e1d28c32 unsigned __int64
[0x0] explorer!CWindowTaskItem::UpdateLastActivatedTime+0x2f 0x2eaedf0 0x7ff7e1d28c32
[0x1] explorer!CTaskListWnd::ActivateTask+0x82 0x2eaee20 0x7fffbcf1ca68
[0x2] inject!Init+0x8f78 0x2eaee80 0x7ff7e1d6b6b2
[0x3] explorer!CTaskListWndMulti::ActivateTask+0x32 0x2eaeec0 0x7ff7e1d19978
[0x4] explorer!CTaskBand::_HandleTaskActivated+0x24 0x2eaef00 0x7ff7e1d19753
[0x5] explorer!CTaskBand::_HandleActivate+0x8f 0x2eaef30 0x7ff7e1d19678
[0x6] explorer!CTaskBand::_OnWindowActivated+0x80 0x2eaef80 0x7ff7e1d18c7a
[0x7] explorer!CTaskBand::_HandleShellHook+0x5aa 0x2eaf010 0x7ff7e1d183ad
[0x8] explorer!CTaskBand::v_WndProc+0x103d 0x2eaf0c0 0x7ff7e1d5b2c8
[0x9] explorer!CImpWndProc::s_WndProc+0x78 0x2eaf2a0 0x7fffd9c4e858
[0xa] user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x2f8 0x2eaf2e0 0x7fffd9c4e4ee
[0xb] user32!CallWindowProcW+0x8e 0x2eaf470 0x7fffc15e9aaa
[0xc] comctl32!CallNextSubclassProc+0x9a 0x2eaf4c0 0x7fffc15e99e8
[0xd] comctl32!DefSubclassProc+0x88 0x2eaf540 0x7fffbcf309fe
[0xe] inject!Init+0x1cf0e 0x2eaf590 0x7fffc15e9aaa
[0xf] comctl32!CallNextSubclassProc+0x9a 0x2eaf610 0x7fffc15e98a7
[0x10] comctl32!MasterSubclassProc+0xa7 0x2eaf690 0x7fffd9c4e858
[0x11] user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x2f8 0x2eaf730 0x7fffd9c4e299
[0x12] user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x249 0x2eaf8c0 0x7ff7e1d5a263
[0x13] explorer!CTray::_MessageLoop+0x183 0x2eaf940 0x7ff7e1d5a0cc
[0x14] explorer!CTray::MainThreadProc+0x5c 0x2eafa20 0x7fffd94cbf69
[0x15] SHCore!_WrapperThreadProc+0xe9 0x2eafa80 0x7fffd8d27344
[0x16] kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 0x2eafb60 0x7fffdac626b1
[0x17] ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21 0x2eafb90 0x0
Also I’m using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.14.1 (the version in the github) since I have some modification to force the thumbnail/list menu to appear on hover since there was a bug with my explorer that the popup menu disappeared after some time.
From the changelog:
v5.14.2: Fixed the incompatibility caused by update KB5029331 of Windows 10 version 22H2.
Update KB5029331 has explorer.exe version 10.0.19041.3393, and yours is newer. So it makes sense that’s the reason.
Thanks, I’m currently testing the v5.14.2 version.
I have been using the 5.14.2 version for some time and there has been no explorer crash.
Unfortunately I got the no thumbnail problem back. This happens when using dual monitors, the 2nd taskbar only shows a tooltip when hovering a taskbar button. The taskbar in the primary monitor shows the thumbnails without problem.
Do you have any plan to update the source code in github so that I can add hover tracking to the taskbar to force the thumbnails to show on hover?
Hi, I’ve published v5.15.1 on GitHub.
Thanks a lot, Michael.
Successfully compiled. Note that dll\functions.h is missing the define for DO17, which I guess to be
#define DO17(d7, d8, d81, d811, d10_t1, d10_t2, d10_r1, d10_r2, d10_r3, d10_r4, d10_r5, d10_19h1, d10_20h1, ds_2022, d11_21h2, d11_22h2, dx) \
( (nWinVersion > WIN_VERSION_11_22H2) ? \
FIRST_NONEMPTY_ARG_17(dx, d11_22h2, d11_21h2, ds_2022, d10_20h1, d10_19h1, d10_r5, d10_r4, d10_r3, d10_r2, d10_r1, d10_t2, d10_t1, d811, d81, d8, d7) : \
DO16(d7, d8, d81, d811, d10_t1, d10_t2, d10_r1, d10_r2, d10_r3, d10_r4, d10_r5, d10_19h1, d10_20h1, ds_2022, d11_21h2, d11_22h2) )
Right, I force-pushed the code with the missing define, thanks.
Hello. This program is great and I use it every day.
I tested Windows 10 19045.3758 for my purpose and realized some system tray icons are missing if you have reduced the icons padding.
I guessed the build itself triggers the issue but some people experienced this issue in the past (Source: https://winclassic.net/post/15891/thread).
I’m using version 5.15.
Hi, does the bug only happen with the classic theme? I haven’t looked at this area for a long time but I don’t remember such an issue.
No, it happens even with the default.
No padding: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830382138805059635/1181545337844928552/image.png
Padding enabled: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830382138805059635/1181545452114559036/image.png
Seems to be working fine for me:
Could it be conflict with another customization tool?
That screenshot tells me you are on build 19045.3693.
The issue happens with 19045.3758.
Right, but you said that it happened with old builds as well, so I assumed that this small build difference doesn’t matter.
Yes, someone said that, but I’ve never seen it on older version builds either. That’s why I assumed latest build itself triggers the issue.
Sorry for the confusion.
I updated to the new build and I can now reproduce the issue.
Should be fixed in the newly released beta version,
Tested and confirmed working on my side.
Thank you.
I have used 7+TT for years – thank God and you! – and consider it almost essential, and am now using it under W/11 combined with Explorer Patcher.
However, while I normally definitely want to combine/group buttons by application ID, when it comes to multiple installations of Firefox Portable (each with its own Profile and labeled and generally used for its own purpose) then I would rather have them separate on the Taskbar.
So my question is, how can I enable this? Finding and changing the application ID seems to be quite a process. Thanks
From the FAQ above:
Does that answer your question?
Thank you for the response, yet using Taskbar Inspector I cannot drag or move the items outside this group. I can only drag the ones within a group.
And the r. click does nothing.
The link is a composite of what Taskbar Inspector shows, including a right click, and the second image of what is seen on the Taskbar.
I was able to achieve results via Taskbar Inspector but the changes do not hold upon browser restart. First however, there was a mysterious glitch in Windows (which some others have had) which results in those up and down arrows (seen in my previous image) when doing a right click on any icons in the Start menu and in Taskbar Inspector.
So I rebooted and that fixed that problem. At this point all the Firefox icons were stacked as seen before. So I clicked Taskbar Inspector, and hit the top (Amazon) Firefox, then “change application ID” and then chose Firefox Portable seen in the composite below, and which instantly separated the icon in the Taskbar
Then I tried to do the same with the next one (Walmart) but choosing Firefox Portable that would do anything, so I chose Random_group and which also instantly separated the icon in the Taskbar, thus leaving the remain one separate. However, after shutting down and restarting the browsers then it went back to all 3 being stacked.
So i am able to separate them (even just using chose Random_group id’s) but this does not last.
Sorry to take up your time, and I sent a small donation.
Thanks. Grace and peace thru Jesus the Lord.
Thank you for the donation, I appreciate it.
If you want only Firefox to alway be separated, right click on its AppId and choose Group -> Never, just like on the screenshot I linked earlier:
Sorry, but that TI option (Group-Never) did not work with my set up, not initially or even after restarting File Explorer and the programs at issue. All three FF Taskbar icons remain in one stack regardless.
Only by using Taskbar Inspector to assign a random app. I.D. works to de-group the TB buttons for these, until they are restarted (although the setting remains if I restart File Explorer)
Composite: https://i.postimg.cc/FRk5J4tr/7TT-TI.jpg
Otherwise, I must choose “Don’t Group” by application I.D. in the 7++TT main window, but that overpopulates the Taskbar since then even every document then has its own icon/button.
Do not concern yourself much with this, as I have a very rare situation and should reinstall all my portable FF installs.
Since I employ multiple tab rows on these
(https://github.com/Izheil/Quantum-Nox-Firefox-Dark-Full-Theme) which requires updating each one of my 5 installations when a FF update breaks then, then for now I just replaced the FF executable the last time. No wonder the I.D. is messed up.
On the screenshot you posted, you don’t right click on the Firefox AppId, instead it’s the first AppId belonging to Explorer.
Yes, while the composite pic can be confusing, for the “Group>Never I had it by Explorer, and there is no AppId on that row.
Note that assigning a random app. I.D. results in de-grouping the 3 FF buttons even if I shutdown 7++TT and restart it, as it does after a Explorer.exe restart.
Only if it shutdown restart the FF browsers at issue do they go back to being in one grouped stack on the TB.
Yet, as I often go for weeks before shutting down, then using Taskbar Inspector to assign a random app. I.D. is a good workaround until I take the time to reinstall the browsers, and migrate better.
And or since some right click menus stopped appearing, which happened after the last Windows update (but which may be due to something I did), then I may revert back to a previous state.
Thanks again.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. I meant that you should right-click here to control the Firefox grouping or other behavior:
Yes, but for Group>Never, I have my cursor over Microsoft Windows Explorer, which is why it is highlighted in the left image.
I do not even get a Group>Never via R. click on Firefox, but being a crude composite of both operations, it looks like it.
But no matter what I clicked on the Group>Never menu, it did not change the group stacking of the FF installations.
Change Application I.D. is the only thing that works. There must be a code in the same Fireofox.exe that each have, but as separate portable installations, that is behind this.
I appreciate your patience.
This sounds interesting (application is for those who know more than me!): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/application-security/application-control/windows-defender-application-control/applocker/configure-the-application-identity-service
What do you mean? What do you get when you right-click on the location I posted? (https://i.imgur.com/bW7TZFP.png)
You could try setting your “taskbar.grouping.useprofile” preference in firefox to true.
This will create the application id from the hash of the profile path instead of the application path.
That seems to do it! Thank God and you! So I went to about:config in each browser install at issue, pasted taskbar.grouping.useprofile, and hit + at the end which showed that the toggle option was True, and restarted each one and they alone remained ungroups/separate on the TB. I also restarted File Explorer, as well as 7+TT and the buttons remained ungrouped.
Now I wish there was a way to retain the same layout/positions of the TB buttons after restarting File Explorer, rather than needing to organize them again.
However, 7+TT is a real blessing, one of many “essential” enhancements for Windows which enable much better efficiency as well as aesthetics. MS itself should tip you!
thank you so fucking much oh my god
i have a particular order i keep my browser windows in and my laptop does this thing where it likes to move the leftmost window allllll the way to the right whenever it feels like it
now i can fix that instead of having to close out of all my stuff before opening it back in the correct order
It keeps causing File Explorer to crash due to kernelbase.dll.
I’ve just released version 5.15.1 with adjustments for the latest Windows 10 update, please try it and let me know whether it fixes the crashes.
Nope. Didn’t work. Still kept crashing. May wanna release another update.
Here’s the report.
Windows Explorer
Stopped working
12/12/2023 11:42 PM
Report sent
Faulting Application Path: C:\Windows\explorer.exe
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: explorer.exe
Application Version: 10.0.19041.3758
Application Timestamp: bf79d152
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 10.0.19041.3758
Fault Module Timestamp: d80f8f12
Exception Offset: 000000000012db22
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 0000000000000007
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6a3a
Additional Information 2: 6a3aa31f317b2486ef9d8302d4b7af02
Additional Information 3: dc02
Additional Information 4: dc0217e9a35fb742eef6f5153659a2c6
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 07af519723cfbe3d61dbffd17e0901f1 (1286903393772175857)
Can you try to capture a crash dump using ProcDump? Run
procdump64.exe -mp -e explorer.exe
and trigger the crash. The dump will be written to a file, the details will be printed in the ProcDump console window. Send me the file (you can email it to me).Also, if you have other customization tools (such as Classic Shell), it’s worth trying to try turning them off to see whether there’s a conflict.
Why not switch to W11?
I installed this morning on Windows 10. Works fairly well. Except for two things. Thumbnails don’t readily go away after hovering unless I activate something in an app. More importantly, clicking on the Start Menu icon now does not bring up the start menu. I can still use the win key, but I’d rather just click on the icon. Is there a solution to this? Thank you.
I’m not familiar with these issues. Are you using other system customization tools? Perhaps there’s a conflict.
Also, what’s your 7+ Taskbar Tweaker version? Make sure that you’re using the latest version, v5.15.1.
Thanks for replying. I am using the latest 7+ – I just downloaded it from this site earlier today. I have no other customization. I’ll reboot later when my work is done and see if that helps. Thank you.
Please help Michael. I love your program, been using it for years now. When trying to update it recently, I am now getting an error..
Error opening file for writing:
C:\users…..Roaming\7+ Taskbar Tweaker\inject.dll
Click abort to stop installation, retry to try again, or ignore to skip this file
Clicking ignore still installs the program but gives a warning upon opening:
7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (102)
The library version doesn’t match, try to reinstall the tweaker
It does this for the stable AND the beta version (which I’ve always had to use in the past). Any idea on what I could do? Thank you for your time
It’s likely that the file is locked for some reason. Try uninstalling the tweaker, restarting your computer, and installing the tweaker again. Your settings will be kept unless you explicitly choose to remove them before uninstalling.
Yup that solved it!! You’re the best brother. I appreciate your timely response and help in the matter. You deserve a donate for that my friend. I’ll always be a 7tt user, so it’s money well spent imo. Thanks again. Take care Michael..
If 7+ Taskbar Tweaker will never support the Windows 11 taskbar, what will happen when Microsoft will abandon Windows 10 and remove every trace of it in Windows 11 ?
In this case, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker will no longer be useful for Windows 11. But as the notice on this page’s popup says:
Yeah I did see that.
But what I meant is, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker would no longer be useful at all, since all the OS it supports will have reached EOL.
That’s right, but it’s not that surprising. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is tailored for the Windows 7 taskbar, which was maintained by Microsoft until Windows 10, and was reimplemented in Windows 11. So it makes sense that once all these OSes reach EOL, the tweaker will no longer be relevant.
I’m also using the tweaker for years now, in combination with explorer patcher since Win11. The main reason is my (very exotic) wish to let any window overlap the taskbar. This is done by “advanced options” and “disable topmost”. Now comes Windows update KB503420 from 1/24 and finally it’s all gone. Is there any way to get this feature back?
Hi Ramen
Is there a way to control the number of tab items one wants to show on their taskbar, before sending the rest to the second row, and so on?
Hi Richard,
No, there’s no option in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to control that.
Alright 🙂 Thank you for your answer.
Is that easy to implement, or not at all?
It’s not a matter of five minutes, it requires some initial research to figure out how things work, then it can be fairly easy or not so much depending on the findings. Lately I’m more focused on Windows 11, and I’m less interested in Win10-only customizations. If you really want such an option and would like to hire me, contact me.
When right-clicking on pinned programs on the taskbar in Windows 10, a context menu appears that displays only 13 recent items for each of those programs, even if I have pinned more than 13.
Is there a way to increase the number of these pinned items or archives in the context menus for pinned programs on the taskbar?
Not with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. Maybe there’s another way, but I’m not aware of one.
This offers a source for that: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1167107/increase-number-of-pinned-files
Thank you for kindness on replying to me.
Fantastic piece of software, by the way!
Yes, Michael (Ramen Software) is an exceptional example of a freeware developer, more so than many commercial developers (without mentioning names). I wanted to commend him, and I thank God for him. MS should cut him a check themselves since solutions as his to “correct” and enhance Windows are almost essential for efficiency, etc.
This software is very good, it helped me with several features, especially in not grouping items together.
It would be interesting to have a functionality to change the title/label of the item.
Hi, Michael, You’re usually on top of these things very quickly, so you likely are already aware, but MS’s recent update seems to have broken disable_topmost==2. 🙁
Thanks so much for continuing to support an awesome piece of software that keeps me from being infuriated daily by MS’s idiocy ;D
Hi, should be fixed by v5.15.1.2 beta.
Thanks for the useful software. Only one issue here.
When explorer.exe crash and restart automatically, the order of taskbar items might change. I always open a lot of software and multi-instance. Also the explorer.exe itself is not stable, it always restart. Each time it happened, I spend some time rearranging the order. Can 7+ help to remember the order of taskbar items? Since 7+ seems to be much more stable than explorer.exe.
My system is Windows 10 22H2.
I addressed a similar request a while ago:
In short, Explorer shouldn’t crash that often (or at all), so I never felt that it’s worth the effort. If it’s important to you and you’d like to hire me to implement it, you can contact me.
24H2 RTM candidate build 26100.1 is out, doesn’t work anymore.
Thanks for letting me know. Since it’s a prerelease build, fixing it is not a priority.
How can I keep open tasks aligned to the right without manually dragging them? For example, I’ve pinned Google Chrome among other taskbar icons, but I want it to open on the far right every time I launch it.
The closest to that you have is the “Don’t group pinned items” option, which will leave the pinned item in place and will open Chrome separately on the right.
#1 — To say “I can’t live without your software” is admittedly a bit hyperbolic; but it is fair to say your software makes my life far less frustrating than it otherwise would be on a daily basis … and has for years.
#2 — Question: Is there a way to use the same animation for rearranging taskbar items with the primary mouse button when rearranging grouped taskbar items and thumbnails with the secondary mouse button? The former is much easier to follow.
#3 — Request: Would it be possible to make the “Advanced Options” dialog accessible from the primary settings panel? Unless I’m mistaken, it only seems to be accessible from the tray icon menu … which explains in part how I’ve only now just discovered it after only the gods know how many years (and I love the extra customizations available there!).
Since I normally hide tray icons, I never noticed these until I recently started experimenting with Windhawk and other such tweaks (to see which I could dispense with due to duplication of feature sets) … and without the tray it’s a pretty tedious process to open the advance options diaglog.
You first need to open the app, open the settings panel to unhide the tray icon, and then close that settings panel because the tray menu isn’t accessible when the settings diaglog is open. Only then can you open the advanced settings menu. Once you finish editing the advanced settings, you need to reopen the settings panel to rehide the tray icon; close the settings panel, and then close the app.
Not that the software isn’t worth some inconvenience, but just a suggestion …. since I’m probably not the ONLY person to have missed the advanced settings menu entirely. Pretty sure I read a post in this very thread from another who wasn’t aware either.
Thank you!
And blue skies. 🙂
#1 – Thanks for the great feedback! And you’re welcome 🙂
#2 – That’s not possible currently, the ordering within groups is implemented independently to the native ordering, and adding animation to it isn’t a trivial task.
#3 – The Advanced options dialog can also be accessed from the window menu by right-clicking the window’s title bar, or by clicking the icon in the upper left corner. And indeed, maybe I need to make it more visible, I’ll consider it for future versions.
#1 — Thanks also for the speedy reply!!
#2 — Ah, no worries. I’ll make do. 🙂
#3 —Doh! I never notice that, either! Ha! But I’m very glad to know it’s there now. Excellent.
Thanks again for being your awesome self. Blue skies!
There are now 26100,560 24H2 of Windows 11, this is not a beta. I hope we can support it in the future.
Windows 11 24H2 wasn’t released yet, and this build is a preview build. Supporting it isn’t a priority.