7+ Taskbar Tweaker

7+ Taskbar Tweaker
7+ Taskbar Tweaker allows you to configure various aspects of the Windows taskbar.
Most of the configuration options it provides can’t be tweaked using the taskbar properties or the registry.
The tweaker is designed for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.


exe 7tt_setup.exe (1.78 MB, changelog)
Latest version: v5.15.3
Note: The installer can be used to extract a portable version. Refer to the FAQ below for details.

Beta version
exe 7tt_setup_beta.exe (1.78 MB, changelog)
Latest beta version: v5.15.2.2
More info about beta versions.

Windows 11 Support Status

  • 7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t support the Windows 11 taskbar, and probably never will. See this blog post for more details.
  • Some of the tweaks are available in Windows 11 as Windhawk mods. See here for the list of mods, and vote for missing mods that you’d like to see implemented. Read more about Windhawk here.
  • 7+ Taskbar Tweaker works on Windows 11 version 23H2 and older with the old taskbar which can be restored with third party tools. See this blog post for more details.

Demo video

Here is a video that demonstrates some of the tweaks:

Source code



Q: Which registry keys does 7+ Taskbar Tweaker modify? I don't need extra processes in my system.
A: The only registry keys the tweaker modifies are its own settings. There are no registry keys for the options it provides. The tweaker does that by injecting a DLL to explorer, hooking/subclassing/some other methods of the dark side.
As for extra processes, the tweaker is a native program, and is very lightweight. It shouldn’t slow down your system, and uses an extremely small amount of memory. Also, you can hide the tray icon if you want.

In case you want to remove the tweaker's settings from the registry, look for them here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7 Taskbar Tweaker
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (7 Taskbar Tweaker value)

P.S. if you're a programmer, you might want to take a look at the 7+ Taskbar Tweaking Library.

Q: My antivirus complains about 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
A: It's a false positive. I guarantee that the tweaker binaries (and any other files on this site, unless specifically noted) are 100% clean.
Also remember that the tweaker injects into explorer and modifies its memory, which is indeed suspicious.

Q: Can I Group/Combine/Label only some of the items on the taskbar?
A: Yes, use Taskbar Inspector.

Q: May I use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker in a commercial environment?
A: Yes, feel free to use it wherever you want.

Q: Where is the portable version?
A: When installing the tweaker, choose the Portable type of install, as shown on the image below.
The portable version will be extracted to the selected folder.

Selecting the portable installation type

Note: If the tweaker is already installed on your computer, the option won't be visible. You can launch the setup with the /portable command line switch to force a portable installation.

Q: I want to report a bug/suggest a feature! What is the best way to do it?
A: Post it on the UserEcho page.

Q: I want to translate 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to my language.
A: The archive below contains the files needed to be translated.
Please read readme.txt before proceeding.

zip 7tt_translate.zip (758.63 kB)

If you are brave enough to translate the help file, contact me for the required software and files.

Posted in Releases, Software by Michael (Ramen Software) on September 30th, 2009.

6,727 Responses to “7+ Taskbar Tweaker”

  1. kike says:

    Al entrar en el programa me sale un mensaje de error, diciendo:
    No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procediminto RegDeleteTreeA en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos ADVAPIE¡32.dll.
    ¿Que puedo hacer?

  2. tuxplorer says:

    Some suggestions for Taskbar Inspector:
    – When double clicking on the taskbar to show the Taskbar Inspector, the window should appear above the line where the mouse pointer was double clicked so we can click in the same place again to make it go away quickly *without moving the mouse*.
    – A checkbox is needed to hide display of non-running pinned apps. Checkbox state should get saved.
    – AppID should be a separate column and the first column should be one which fetches the name of the app from somewhere. If app name can’t be obtained, then only the process name in the first column.
    – When resized, the Taskbar Inspector window should save its size.
    – A way to move the Taskbar Inspector by drag and drop.
    – Similar to group Close action, group Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically, Maximize, Minimize like Windows Task Manager Applications tab has.
    – Tree control arrow isn’t drawn properly. See http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/6168/treecontrolarrow.png

  3. Travis says:

    Thanks for the excellent software! There’s a configuration of taskbar item grouping I used in Windows XP with Tweak UI that’s no longer available in 7, and I wonder if you could provide it through Taskbar Tweaker: Always combine, SHOW labels. Possible? Thanks!

  4. Luke says:

    Excellent app, does exactly what i wanted (which was removing app grouping on the taskbar).

  5. Updated to v1.5.1, changes:
    – Taskbar Inspector works correctly on x64 Windows now.
    – Fixed a crash on windows/explorer startup if grouping is disabled.
    – You can reorder items within a tab group in Taskbar Inspector with drag’n’drop.
    – An option to run Task Manager with double or middle click.
    – Some fixes.

  6. Oeu says:

    This is application does everything I want. Thank you so much! Now I’m finally able have my Windows 7 Taskbar like Windows XP! Great job!

  7. katalyst says:

    Thank you SO MUCH. The taskbar was seriously driving me batty.

    I would love to be able to move the ‘show desktop’ button back to the quicklaunch buttons, but I figure THAT I can get used to being in a new place. the hover menus, however were killing me.

    Thanks again!

  8. sergeos says:

    RaMMicHaeL, Thank you.

    Maybe you can also add one function? So, is it possible switch window AlwaysOnTop?

  9. CT says:

    The link of the 32-bit version on this page points to 7-Taskbar-Tweaker1.rar which doesn’t exist (it should be 7-Taskbar-Tweaker.rar). Could you please fix it? Thank you.

  10. q-qais says:

    Broken link,please update

  11. MainTrane says:

    Could you make it so that the Taskbar Inspector remembers its window size? or give it a window title so it can be distinguished from other #32770 windows by my window manager app.

  12. Mys says:

    Hi, first of all, thanks for this absolutely awesome hack, it makes Win7 usable. It’s nearly perfect but I’d love to have two more features:

    * Grouping by program instances (i.e. only group windows belonging to the same process)
    * Enable more columns when the taskbar is vertical.

    Keep doing great stuff!

  13. Ammo says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,

    I just wanted to thank you for this great program!! I just upgraded from Windows XP (my old PC was 7 years old…), and this makes the transition a lot easier 🙂

    Cheers & happy holidays,


  14. Martin says:

    Sweet 🙂 Runs fine on 2k8R2. But i’ve somehow managed to keep the taskbar inspector always open (won’t go, even if i kill the ttweaker-process). Don’t know what exactly happened and if it’s reproducible or not, but in case it does happen again: how do i close the inspector without rebooting the system?

  15. MainTrane says:

    [bug] Taskbar Inspector occasionally gets locked open. Neither ESC|ALT+F4 will close it, and it even remains on screen after 7TT is exited. Have to log off to get rid of it.

    [enhancement] ID programs/windows by something other than AppUserModelIDs (good for programs that have a randomly generated IDs) in the taskbar inspector.

    [new feature] Allow users to ban specified programs from showing up in the recently/mostfrequently used portion of the start menu, or at least exclude the desktop shortcuts; Win7 already excludes taskbar and startmenu pinned items from the MFU list, and I believe it also does so for programs in taskbar toolbars (don’t know first hand because i don’t use toolbars).

    • [bug]
      Any reproducing steps of the bug? Does it happen after you open it, or after you do something like making an Application ID never group etc?

      “programs that have a randomly generated IDs” – are there such programs?

      [new feature]
      “i don’t use toolbars”
      Well, I don’t use recently/mostfrequently items 🙂

      • MainTrane says:

        The ‘locked open’ bug first happened after I unpinned items from the taskbar with taskbar inspector was on screen. Though, it happened again without those actions taking place. It could also have to do with moving, resizing the taskbar inspector window. The longer it’s left open and more actions performed as such makes the bug more likely to appear. Would be easier to spot with some built-in debugging.

        utorrent and jdownloader both get AppIDs similar to *PID00000000 that string of zeroes is replaced with randomly generated numbers & letters each time either of those apps is run. This keeps 7TT-TI from recognizing them and applying their always group/show label settings.

        Ha, touche. I know 7TT’s main focus is the taskbar, but I find the start menu’s frequently used section useful.
        I’ve tried every method recommended to block specific apps but none seem to work under 64bit-Win7.


        • MainTrane says:

          Using the force combine feature of 7TT w/ Win7 taskbar buttons set to never combine is a nice workaround in v1.7 for getting the random-gen-AppID-program’s to always show labels. This helps with programs like μTorrent, jDownoader, OpenOffice.org & Total Unistall that have valuable info displayed in their taskbar button but would never remember always/never group/label settings.

          Thx RaMMicHaeL

  16. Will says:

    I would love to see inactive windows on the taskbar be less shiny. It is very difficult to locate my active window on the taskbar when it is not much more “frosted” than the inactive windows.

    This frosting also interferes with my ability to see the orange flash of incoming messages on Skype when it is running behind my active window. The orange is so faded due to the frosted look it barely catches my eye.

    As much as I’d like to get it back to looking like XP, it might just be easier to unfrost the inactives and leave actives frosted. At least that way I could tell at a glance where I’m at on the taskbar, just look for the palest window.

    Your program has been a great find for me, very pleased with it. Thank you for the effort to make it for us.

  17. Pat says:

    Trying to download 7-Taskbar-Tweaker.rar (81.73 KB). Saving it to my desktop, but don’t know what program I need to open and install it. Help, please! : )

  18. Jim says:

    The FAQ says: “There are no registry keys for the options it provides.”

    FYI, this isn’t true: there’s a registry entry for the “left click on grouped button”->”cycle through windows” option. It’s Windows->CurrentVersion->Explorer->Advanced->LastActiveClick. See this LifeHacker post, where I found it:


  19. seed says:

    hello ram… since the true registered windows here in our country is XP, i have, some kinda dumb question…

    is the OS requirement of this application is Windows 7 ONLY?

    or it could be applied to certain OS that frequently uses the 7’s applications…

    get it?

    seed here…

    • seed says:

      looks like trying it gives me the answer…


      guess i need to have my own resolution…

      so may i ask for permission to study your work?

      seed here…

  20. Pete Little says:

    BIG Thanks for the tool to get rid of Microsofts completely stupid popup windows when you hoover over the taskbar. After many hours of search (because Microsoft certaintly don’t try to help their paying customers) I found that in the basic Windows 7 a user is not even able to start the policy editor where one supposedly could disable the popups. Noooo Microsoft want to irritate users who don’t pay the top price. They found that too many used the option in Vista so they removed it in Windows 7 to give users an incentive to upgrade and put more money in Microsofts pockets. 7 should be an improvement but reality is it is a big step backwards and a trap to lock in users in a position where they have to spend more money. And that’s about stupid popups only – let’s not start talking about the missing email we had included in Vista but suddenly find is missing in Windows 7 so we have to buy Outlook. Well it aint gonna happen. I’ll buy any other email program than Microsoft – In fact I’ll go away from Microsoft as much as possible in the future. Can’t wait for Google or somebody else to provide the “Final Solution” to eliminate Microsoft entirely.

    Again big thanks to Ram Michaels. Microsoft need people like you instead of the brain dead monkeys they have presently. 🙂

  21. s300pmu1 says:

    If you could implement the two following tweaks:

    1. Reduce width of pinned items to minimum
    2. Reduce vertical spacing between icon rows in _system tray_ if the taskbar is set to multi-row.
    Currently, with >1 rows of taskbar and large icons, systray icons do not use all available space, but align with the rows. I.e., you have two rows of app icons on taskbar – you have two rows of systray icons, however, there’s space for at least three rows as systray icons are small.

    I realize these may be impossible to find\implement, but if you can, that would be a real WIN.

  22. TJJ says:


    If possible, please add an option to disable left click minimize of active window. I’m not using grouping and I have disabled animations and now with many open programs in the taskbar I easily click a wrong/open one and this causes annoying “where did it go” effect. All is fine with animations enabled but I hate the animation effect everywhere else.

  23. MainTrane says:

    Happy Holidays!
    Thanks for this great app.

  24. rcrumbb says:

    HELP! I am one of many people looking for a solution to a very annoying problem with the Windows 7 taskbar. My taskbar will not always stay in front of other programs when I have “autohide” feature enabled. Previous versions of Windows offered a setting in the taskbar that when checked allowed the taskbar to be auto-hidden while also “Keep the taskbar on top of other windows”.

    OK, here’s the part where those of us with this problem run into trouble – its in trying to explain this problem. Please bear with me.

    I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit edition. It is a brand-new and clean install. (this problem occurs on other editions as well). Now immediately after Windows installs I begin to tweak. First thing I do is set the taskbar to “Auto-hide the taskbar”. You know what that does.. it makes the taskbar shrink down into a thin bar across the bottom of the screen. Moving the mouse down to the bottom of the screen makes the taskbar pop open. Move the mouse away from the bottom of the screen and the taskbar shrinks back down to that thin bar. When programs are maximized they fill the entire screen except for that thin bar across the bottom of the screen which always remains on top of the maximized window (well, its supposed to “always”). Moving the mouse down to the bottom of the screen makes the taskbar pop open on top of the maximized window. HERE IS THE PROBLEM – sometimes randomly that thin bar will not be in front of a maximized window and moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen does not make the taskbar pop open. In other words, the taskbar does not ALWAYS stay in front of other programs anymore like it used to in previous versions of Windows.

    Example – I open and maximize Windows Explorer and browse to a folder loaded with pictures. Then I open and maximize Photoshop. I move the mouse to the bottom of the screen to the thin bar and the taskbar pops open allowing me to click back to Windows Explorer. Now I am in Explorer maximized, ready to go back into Photoshop, I move the mouse down to the bottom of the screen but the thin bar is not there anymore and the taskbar does not pop open. I have to Alt-Tab to Photoshop or hit the Windows-Key to make the taskbar pop open. (At this point, I have found if I right-click a blank area of the taskbar it “reminds” the taskbar that it is supposed to be in front of all open windows. Moving the mouse away from the taskbar makes it shrink back down to that thin bar and now that thin bar remains in front of all maximized windows FOR A WHILE but then eventually ends up behind again).

    I hope you understand. There are many many people experiencing this frustration and there has been no solution. This problem has existed with Windows 7 since release candidate editions. It happens with any combination of maximized programs (Firefox and Microsoft Word is another combo that where this problem occurs for me). If only there was the “Keep the taskbar on top of other windows” option like there was in previous editions of Windows… Perhaps you can force this option and add it to your program. It would be a tremendous relief from aggravation for me and many others if you could figure this out. Thank you for your time and courtesy!

  25. Fatih_BaKeR says:

    Taskbar not going to remain on the screen, sometimes using the inspector. This is like a bug. Explorer, ending the screen disappears. Example image http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/5996/7taskbarhata.jpg

    Thank you.

  26. Indonesian says:

    The ‘81.73 KB’ file is an unwanted one? Avira said. whats wrong?

  27. josh says:

    great program. any chance of adding an auto-update feature?

  28. Benjamin says:

    Please bring right click to cycle windows back!

  29. Alok says:

    I REALLY need cycle through windows option back. Addicted D:

  30. Mike says:

    Is it possible to save the App ID changes that I made? I’d like to permanently group some icons.

    I use a few portable apps. They usually have a launcher app that I pin. Clicking this creates another taskbar icon. Right now whenever I restart an app I have to regroup them.

  31. Adrian says:

    Thank you for this fantastic program.

    The option to ungroup windows from the same application is invaluable! My job requires massive multitasking and this option will improve my productivity incalculably.

    Thank you! Thank you!

    ps, for people asking about Windows XP, turn off grouping in the windows settings and get the free program ‘TaskBar Shuffle’, then you will have the equivalent of Windows 7 taskbar + 7TT in XP!

  32. Crept says:

    Hi there,love this as it group all my icon… However,just to add, can u add a close button for the task inspector. After using it and changing 40+ application id, it will not auto close. Even when i end process in taskbar, the task inspector still would not close.. Thank u

  33. Keim says:

    Great tool! Thank you very much!

  34. wixur says:

    Thank you! This program is great!!

  35. Mitul says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL
    I can’t download the 1.7 version.
    Your download link gives me the 1.1 version.
    Please give me a link, I want to use the ungroup on hover feature.

    • Mitul says:

      ok I found the solution, I was launching the downloaded version without closing the current one. I had it on start-up
      Thanks this is a great app!!!

  36. MainTrane says:

    I have my Win7 double-width taskbar set auto-hide.

    When TI is launched from the taskbar it appears at the screens border instead of at the border of my unhidden taskbar. This blocks the view of part of TI until I move the cursor away from the taskbar, causing it to hide.

    TI should appear at the border of the unhidden taskbar, not the hidden border.


  37. orion310591 says:

    Only reason why im using this app is “Disable Taskbar Thumbnail”
    It works on win7 ultimate x64 6.1.7600

  38. Hooovahh says:

    Really great program thanks alot for your hard work and monitoring these comments regularly.

    That being said is there any hope to see the source code? I ask because one feature I thought of adding that I didn’t think people would like is having an Undo Close Window, after closing a window with the middle click button.

    In most browsers you close the tab with the middle click then can undo a close tab. In 7 I sometimes close the window I didn’t mean to. I would like for the programs memory to stay open for a minute (but removed from taskbar and hidden window) then have the option to undo that close within that minute. Thanks again.

  39. Silver-Streak says:

    RaMMicHaeL: I emailed this to you, but I’m not sure if my system actually sent it or not, so here’s hoping you may see this.

    So here’s the problem. Before I ran 7TT the first time, my taskbar already would allow programs to be split(not combined nor grouped). IE: 2 separate Firefox windows that were open could be independently moved around the taskbar. Opening a new window of firefox would make it pop out to the right of the other firefox windows, but it would not be attached, and could be moved around independently. It had been this way since installing windows 7.

    Upon running 7TT and trying to change the display thumbnail setting, then closing 7TT, all of a sudden my firefox windows are now linked to one another on the taskbar, not in a single condensed window with multiple options, but in one giant linked/combined bar that cannot be moved on its own.

    Now, I can get it to go back to its original behavior by opening up 7tt and telling it to “Don’t group”, and while the program itself is nice. I really don’t want to have to run 7tt to replace a funcationality I had before.

    I’m half wondering if it reset everything to what it lists as “default” when closing, even if that wasn’t what windows was doing previously. I have no idea, and am not sure what else I can do at this point, but I’d rally like to find a way to go back to my old taskbar method from before running 7tt. Again, the program is fantastic, but I’d really like to not have to run it to have my status quo.

    • > Before I ran 7TT the first time, my taskbar already would allow programs to be split(not combined nor grouped).

      I’m pretty sure you are wrong here. It’s not possible in Windows 7 without external tools (that is: 7TT, I don’t know any other software or whatever that makes your taskbar items ungrouped).

      • Yep. You’re correct. I’m losing my mind. I looked at earlier screen shots, and while it was correct that I had separate firefox windows, I found that was when I was running different versions of firefox which I suspect had different application IDs.

        My apologies, and I appreciate your time and response.

  40. Rekks says:

    the download link on this page (32 bit) gives me v1.1.1 – How do I get v1.7?

  41. MainTrane says:

    I’m all out of UserVoice votes
    0 0
    [ , ]

    I must really love 7TT, to make so many requests!

    Here’s one more.

    double-click on a toolbar’s title to open it’s folder

  42. Microsux says:

    I downloaded the 32 bits version and I get version 1.1.
    Is version 1.7 only for 64 bits?

  43. MainTrane says:

    This Winamp plug-in win7shell allows for the volume to be changed when scrolling over the taskbar thumbnail.

    7TT could put this to use too, scrolling over the thumbnails could pass the scroll messages to they’re respective windows (like the Tab Scope Firefox extension).
    Other possible options include:
    * using the scroll wheel to re-organize grouped windows (wheel would move the window initially under the cursor)
    * consecutively maximize/restore/minimize multiple windows
    * start Flip3D

  44. Peter says:

    Very, very good app! Thanx very much for this! I will use it in future!

  45. MainTrane says:

    It would be great if there were a configurable hotkey to launch taskbar inspector.

    A screenshot below of some programs that have a random AppID; would it be possible to identify programs by their process name?  Then these tricky apps could benefit from 7TT’s always/never show label or grouping features.

    Taskbar Inspector, Random AppIDs

    My most wished for feature in 7TT is to have a focus only option for left clicks, just like focus on middle click.  Also, hope to see an always-on-top feature in the future, preferably by left (or right) clicking a taskbar thumbnail.


  46. Yves says:

    The screenshot shows the option “Left click on grouped item” but in version 1.7 this is entirely gone. I liked that one and I’d like to have it back. Are there any plans for it? Why is it gone?

  47. Fatih_BaKeR says:

    Taskbar inspector is still wrong. The screen is not going. Please x to close the Add button.

    Example image: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6035/7taskbar18hatasshot20.jpg

  48. iwan says:

    Its realy hard to find in the internet about disable ‘start button’ or ‘hide start button’ in windows 7 by registry
    what i want not in xp but win 7, can anybody help me please…

  49. Mike says:

    Hi. First of all thanks for this awesome tweak. I was just wondering about what was going on when the icons sometimes group automatically as soon as I take my cursor off from the icon. I actually like this “auto-group” feature without having to hover my mouse to do it, but it looks like this wasn’t an intended feature as this happens sometimes only.

    • When you say grouping, you mean combining?
      Like in the demo video here?

      Are you using the decombine on hover option?

      • Mike says:

        Yes. I am using the decombine on hover option. And to clarify, it combines when I move the cursor anywhere else other than the icon (ie. they combine even when cursor is moved upwards into the wallpaper)

        • Well, that’s how it should be, no? You move the mouse on the combined item, it decombines. You move it out, it combines, just like on that demo. Do I miss something?

          • Mike says:

            Yes, but you see in the demo the cursor is only moving horizontally across the taskbar? In my case it combines back when the cursor is moved anywhere on the screen except for on the icon. Now it’s not doing that, and I can’t seem to replicate the situation.

          • It’s not visible in the demo, but it should combine back when the cursor is moved anywhere on the screen except for on the icon.

          • Mike says:

            Oh, in that case I guess the problem is the other way around. I now can’t make it combine back unless i “zip” through it on the taskbar. Oh well, I think a reboot solves this problem though.

          • Never occurred to me.
            Tell me if you find a way to reproduce it.

          • MainTrane says:

            I’ve duplicated this one, though I’m not sure what the culprit is (7TT or Explorer).  After Explorer has been up & running for a while the last hovered taskbar item begins to maintain a locked focus after the cursor leaves it.  I noticed this bug a while back but was never sure if 7TT was at fault.  If anyone is using the new decombine feature then this bug will cause that item to stay focused(decombined) until another taskbar item is hovered, the newly hovered item will then have locked focus.  It’s easy to spot when the bug is happening, the window caption for the last hovered item will be displayed after the mouse has left the taskbar.

            Just like the TI stuck open issue, I can’t find a way to readily reproduce this bug.  They both tend to show up after long periods of use.  Who knows they could be related!?  I know that’s not going to be enough to help RaMMicHaeL solve these bugs…

          • MainTrane: It’s an Explorer bug. I’ve never tried to fix it, but there’s an easy way to “unlock” the focus: right click on a taskbar button and open the standard window menu. If you have jumplists on right click enabled, a shift+right click should do it.

  50. a says:

    I feel there’s still some code refinement needed O.o
    p.s. Make cycle through windows disabled with de-combining on hover on 😉

    • MainTrane says:

      Isn’t that exactly how it works?
      I can’t get ‘cycle through windows’ to work at all with ‘decombine on hover’ also enabled.
      Are you saying that you want both features to work together?

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