Windhawk mods for the Windows 11 taskbar

A few weeks ago, Windhawk, the customization marketplace for Windows programs, was released. You can read the announcement blog post for more details and for the motivation behind creating it. One of the sections of the blog post was dedicated to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

Regarding the future of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker: It will keep existing as a separate program which supports Windows 7 to Windows 10. As mentioned in a recent blog post, most parts of the taskbar were reimplemented in Windows 11, and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker can’t be made to work with the new taskbar without a huge amount of work. My plan, at least in the short term, is to implement the most demanded customizations for Windows 11 as Windhawk mods.

Below is a table with features that are available in Windows 10 but are missing in Windows 11. Some of the features are part of Windows 10 (marked with the Windows icon icon) and some are part of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (marked with the Tweaker icon icon). Please vote for the features that you’d like to have back in Windows 11. I’ll prioritize implementing the most requested features as Windhawk mods. For each implemented feature, the page will be updated to reflect the current status.

Voting can be done in two ways, simple voting and a donation. I added the donation option to be able to give extra priority to votes of users who wish to support the project with a donation. To vote with a donation, add the feature hashtag to the donation comment like this. Donations are a great motivating factor (thanks!), and I think that letting supporters decide where to focus first is a nice perk.

Feature Votes Donations Status
Tweaker icon Right click: Standard window menu ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Middle click: Switch to / Minimize / Close ✔️ Partial
Tweaker icon Dropping: Open with
Tweaker icon Hovering: List / Tooltip / Nothing ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Thumbnails: Drag to reorder ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Thumbnails: Left click on the active thumbnail minimizes the window
Tweaker icon Pinned items: Remove extra gap between items ✔️ Partial
Tweaker icon Pinned items: Open with double click ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Grouping: Don’t group ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Grouping: When not grouping, place new items next to the existing ones ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Grouping: Don’t group pinned items ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Grouping: Drag within/between groups using right mouse button
Tweaker icon Left click on combined item: Cycle through windows ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Mouse wheel: Cycle between taskbar buttons ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Minimize/restore when mouse is over: Taskbar buttons / Thumbnails ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Control volume when mouse is over: The taskbar / The notification area ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Customize double/middle click on empty space ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Hide the Start button ✔️ Partial
Tweaker icon Hide the “Show desktop” button ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Display seconds on the tray clock ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Reserve empty space on taskbar
Tweaker icon Change the size of taskbar icons ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Taskbar Inspector
Tweaker icon Change padding between tray icons ✅ Done
Tweaker icon Decombine taskbar buttons ✅ Done
Windows icon Show labels in taskbar buttons ✅ Done
Windows icon Taskbar on the top of the screen ✅ Done
Windows icon Taskbar on the side of the screen ✅ Done
Windows icon Open Taskbar Manager via right click
Windows icon Taskbar with multiple rows ✅ Done
Windows icon Taskbar toolbars

If a feature that you’d like to see in Windows 11 is not in the table, please let me know in the comments below.

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on May 2nd, 2022.
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514 Responses to “Windhawk mods for the Windows 11 taskbar”

  1. Marshall Brooks says:


    I’ve been asking a lot of questions and making a lot of requests lately, and I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for all of the work and support you have put into both 7TT+ and WH.

    Especially regarding the taskbar and the start menu, out-of-the-box, Win11 seems to be something of a downgrade from (sure I could install Explorer Patcher and have the Win10 interface back, but why upgrade to keep what I had), but with WH mods I like the Win11 start menu and taskbar BETTER than the Win10 versions.

    Thank you for making my computing much more pleasant!!!

    • You’re welcome 🙂 I’m glad that my tools are making a positive impact!

    • Miguel says:

      Gracias: Necesito reducir el tamaño de los íconos de la barra de tareas. Lo intenté por medio del sistema de windows y lo más pequeño es del valor cero, sin embargo este ya viene en forma automática y ya no se reducen más porque no acepta un valor menor a cero. Saludos

      • Thank you: I need to reduce the size of the taskbar icons. I tried through the Windows system and the smallest is a value of zero, however this is already done automatically and they are no longer reduced because it does not accept a value less than zero. Regards

        If I understand correctly, and if you’re using Windows 11, you can reduce the size of the taskbar icons by using this mod: Taskbar height and icon size.

    • Rafael M. says:

      Hello. I’d like to suggest you to create a new mod on WINDHAWK or even encourage the community to do…

      It’s because the WINDOWS 11 taskbar no longer allows us to drag a file, and drop to another window as it basically used to be able to do on windows 10.

      Look at this video to see more clearly the example he does, but in this video, he tells about other software and using a .EXE one…wich is dangerous. So…

      Thank you very much

      Best regards,

      • What’s your Windows version? It should already be fixed in newer Windows 11 versions. From the project page:

        Windows 11 22H2 (build 22621 and 22622, released in September 2022) restores the drag & drop functionality natively, so this program is not longer needed.

        • Rafael M. says:

          t’s said Microsoft only wanted to…but they didn’t release it yet.

          My windows version is 24H2. The newest as possible until this date. I downloaded the ISO from Microsoft page last week.

        • Rafael M. says:

          But…. fortunatelly there is a “work around” for it. Don’t know if it’s a system beach, but it works:

          I saw the comment from “@Tlohtzin123 – 3 year ago” on youtube video:

          “I discovered that I can use the Drag and Drop function between windows and programs if I move the scroll wheel while holding the file on top of the program I want to bring it to, but without moving the mouse wheel the program just does not maximize, it is strange that the function can only be used that way”

  2. Marshall Brooks says:

    Does anyone know how to adjust the spacing (padding) of the inactive SysTray (notification area) icons, using Windows Taskbar Styler.

    I found the setting for the active icons.

    Using UWPSpy, it looks like the setting should be controlled by Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid#OverflowRootGrid
    I tried changing that from Padding=12,12,12,12 (which seems to be what I am seeing on-screen), to Padding=2,2,2,2, but it didn’t seem to make any difference.

    I also saw where it is setup a few levels higher as a 274×174 pixel rectangle, but when I changed that, it created odd results – the taskbar size was reduced and there was only one row of icons shown in the overflow area.

    An Explorer restart didn’t change anything, I didn’t try a re-boot yet.

    • Marshall Brooks says:

      FWIW –

      Looked promising from UWPSpy, but didn’t work either …

  3. Marshall Brooks says:

    Hi Michael,

    I have a new issue that is mildly annoying and I don’t know if you can easily fix or reproduce it.

    I isolated the problem to the Taskbar labels for Windows 11 mod.

    I work fairly often with Microsoft Access and I have VBA code on startup that briefly hides and unhides the button/label in the taskbar. It works fine with out WH and it works okay if I only open one Access database.

    If I open multiple Access databases (I have grouping on but combining buttons off), one of them will open with the wrong icon. Typically it will not have any icon (which is okay, but I’ve also seen it open with the Skype for Business icon (but not the overlay), or the Windows Explorer icon, which is annoying).

    If I toggle Taskbar Labels for Windows 11 off, the correct icon is shown, and if I re-enable it, the correct icon remains.

    Hopefully, you will have a solution.

    Thank you again for all the work you have put into WH and your other programs!!!

    • I isolated the problem to the Taskbar labels for Windows 11 mod.

      Interesting, are you sure about that? The mod doesn’t do much with the icons, just adjusts some properties such as margin and padding.

      If you can come up with reproduction steps, I’ll try to reproduce and fix it.

      • Marshall Brooks says:

        Apparently, this was related to lack of space on my C:\Drive. I freed up space and it doesn’t seem to be happening anymore.

        • Marshall Brooks says:

          Spoke too soon. Freeing up space did not PERMANENTLY fix the issue. However, I was able to verify the issue is NOT with WindHawk. I thought it was related to code I was running when the database opens, but that doesn’t seem to affect it either …

  4. Ellie Weales says:

    Thank goodness I found Windhawk. I had a Windows update overnight and when I reopened my folders, the address/navigation/search bar was missing. I spent hours this morning trying to find out how to get them back. Just found a link in Reddit for your program and within seconds I had it, installed it and had the address bar back. Thank you so much!

    • You’re welcome, I’m glad that it helped 🙂

      • PBJ says:

        If only MS would provide an option to just install security updates – and not class tools such as Explorer Patcher as threats -versus adding sppsd improvements.

        Without Explorer Patcher and 7+Taskbar Tweaker, left to MS choices in Personalization > Taskbar, I cannot choose to Always combine taskbar buttons and still see labels, and which results in tiny buttons that one cannot identify, versus this:

        Of course, as MS moves to disable such customization (since it knows best what you should prefer), then EP will need to be updated,

  5. Ellie Weales says:

    Forgot to mention, I noticed you created 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and I’ve been using it for years and love it! I like to keep my open folders in a certain order and when they get out of order, I just use 7+ to ungroup, move the folder back in place, then click on group again. So easy!

    • That’s great, but while that works, there are two easier methods:

      • The “Drag to reorder” option, which allows to simply reorder the thumbnails.
      • The “Drag within/between groups using right mouse button” which can be used if you keep your taskbar buttons uncombined.


      Using one of these options should make it even easier.

  6. Marshall Brooks says:

    Re-sent you a test E-mail.

  7. David says:

    My feature request: just start menu in bottom left corner while the rest of the taskbar remains centered.

  8. zakius says:

    while not directly related to the taskbar I’d like to suggest a mod that:
    shows only windows from the current screen in the alt+tab
    and if possible also changes the order of items in the alt+tab switcher from MRU to the order of buttons on the taskbar

    • zakius says:

      oh and a really minor thing but if all the flyouts appearing while clicking on taskbar elements would just touch it instead of levitating that would be awesome too
      it probably can be achieved with existing mods too, but due to the positioning being pinned to the top of the screen it probably would be better to calculate it dynamically

  9. Aretin says:

    “Grouping: Drag within/between groups using right mouse button”
    I hope this feature gets implemented. It is one of the most important features of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

    I am trying to switch from 7+ to Windhawk because recently Windows 10 installed some update & once again 7+ made explorer repeatedly crash. Only closing 7+ made the system stable.

    • I hope this feature gets implemented. It is one of the most important features of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

      Perhaps you already know this, but for now you can use the Taskbar Thumbnail Reorder mod.

      recently Windows 10 installed some update & once again 7+ made explorer repeatedly crash. Only closing 7+ made the system stable.

      Can you please enable dump capturing and send me a crash dump?

      You should be able to get it with the following steps:

      • Open regedit
      • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
      • Create a key named LocalDumps
      • Create a DWORD value named DumpType with value 2
      • Trigger the crash
      • Go to the %LocalAppData%\CrashDumps folder, you should see a dump file in there

      You can email it to me.

  10. Marshall Brooks says:

    Just wanted to add one thing that might help others. I was a big fan of “Right-Click to drag between groups” with 7TT. It was one of the few features I really missed with Windhawk.

    I found a fairly good workaround – if you can live with a taskbar list instead of thumbnails – – You can then select in the list and click and drag items in the list and it will change the order of the icons also.

    This might work on the thumbnail previews also – not sure.

    • Marshall Brooks says:

      Too funny. I didn’t see the previous posts. I do have taskbar Thumbnail Reorder enabled, and I suspect that is why it works. I thought it (Taskbar Thumbnail Reorder) just allowed me to left click and move the group of icons, not the icons within the group. I used the Explore feature on WH and overlooked it also …

  11. Konrad says:

    Thanks for the new version of Windhawk 1.5!

    But now i get some compilation errors:

    c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Compiler\bin\clang-18: Invalid argument
    Compilation failed, the mod might require a newer Windhawk version.

    This occurs with:
    Windows 11 Start Menu Styler
    Taskbar height and icon size

    when i try to update the mods.


  12. Konrad says:

    Hi Michael,
    i turn protocol on and get the following:

    DbgViewMini v1.0.1
    Listening for OutputDebugString messages...
    12:14:37.997 18700 windhawk.exe  [WH] [AllProcessesInjector::InjectIntoNewProcess]: DllInject succeeded for new process 14992 via a remote thread
    12:14:37.997 14992 conhost.exe  [WH] LL
    12:14:37.998 14992 conhost.exe  [WH] GPA
    12:14:37.998 14992 conhost.exe  [WH] II
    12:14:37.998 14992 conhost.exe  [WH] [InjectInit]: Running InjectInit
    12:14:57.845 5104 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::HandleCreatedProcess]: DllInject succeeded for new process 12816
    12:14:57.845 5104 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::CreateProcessInternalW_Hook]: New process 12816 from CreateProcessInternalW("c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Compiler\bin\g++.exe", ""c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Compiler\bin\g++.exe" -std=c++23 -O2 -shared -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINVER=0x0A00 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0A00 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x0A000008 -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DWH_MOD "-DWH_MOD_ID=L\"taskbar-icon-size\"" "-DWH_MOD_VERSION=L\"1.2.9\"" "c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Engine\1.5_1\64\windhawk.lib" c:\ProgramData\Windhawk\EditorWorkspace\mod.wh.cpp -include windhawk_api.h -target x86_64-w64-mingw32 -o C:\ProgramData\Windhawk\Engine\Mods\64\taskbar-icon-size_1.2.9_638109.dll -DWINVER=0x0605 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lruntimeobject -lshcore -lwininet")
    12:14:57.858 12816 g++.exe  [WH] LL
    12:14:57.859 12816 g++.exe  [WH] GPA
    12:14:57.859 12816 g++.exe  [WH] II
    12:14:57.860 12816 g++.exe  [WH] [InjectInit]: Running InjectInit
    12:14:57.860 12816 g++.exe  [WH] II: 1
    12:15:01.331 5104 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::HandleCreatedProcess]: DllInject succeeded for new process 13060
    12:15:01.331 5104 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::CreateProcessInternalW_Hook]: New process 13060 from CreateProcessInternalW("c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Compiler\bin\g++.exe", ""c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Compiler\bin\g++.exe" -std=c++23 -O2 -shared -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINVER=0x0A00 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0A00 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x0A000008 -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DWH_MOD "-DWH_MOD_ID=L\"taskbar-icon-size\"" "-DWH_MOD_VERSION=L\"1.2.9\"" "c:\Program Files\Windhawk\Engine\1.5_1\64\windhawk.lib" c:\ProgramData\Windhawk\EditorWorkspace\mod.wh.cpp -include windhawk_api.h -target x86_64-w64-mingw32 -o C:\ProgramData\Windhawk\Engine\Mods\64\taskbar-icon-size_1.2.9_128243.dll -DWINVER=0x0605 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lruntimeobject -lshcore -lwininet")
    12:15:01.343 13060 g++.exe  [WH] LL
    12:15:01.343 13060 g++.exe  [WH] GPA
    12:15:01.344 13060 g++.exe  [WH] II
    12:15:01.344 13060 g++.exe  [WH] [InjectInit]: Running InjectInit
    12:15:01.345 13060 g++.exe  [WH] II: 1
    12:15:26.562 18476 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::HandleCreatedProcess]: DllInject succeeded for new process 7900
    12:15:26.562 18476 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [NewProcessInjector::CreateProcessInternalW_Hook]: New process 7900 from CreateProcessInternalW("(NULL)", ""c:\Program Files\Windhawk\UI\VSCodium.exe" --type=gpu-process --disable-gpu-sandbox --use-gl=disabled --gpu-vendor-id=32902 --gpu-device-id=16024 --gpu-sub-system-id=2257850435 --gpu-revision=2 --gpu-driver-version= --disable-gpu-sandbox --no-sandbox --user-data-dir="C:\ProgramData\Windhawk\UIData\user-data" --gpu-preferences=UAAAAAAAAADoAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEgAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAgAAABAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAAAAEAAAAAAAAAABAAAADgAAAAgAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAA= --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1276 --field-trial-handle=1724,i,1578162911583001301,4214479298411165810,131072 --disable-features=CalculateNativeWinOcclusion,SpareRendererForSitePerProcess,WinRetrieveSuggestionsOnlyOnDemand /prefetch:2")
    12:15:26.581 7900 VSCodium.exe  [WH] LL
    12:15:26.581 7900 VSCodium.exe  [WH] GPA
    12:15:26.581 7900 VSCodium.exe  [WH] II
    12:15:26.581 7900 VSCodium.exe  [WH] [InjectInit]: Running InjectInit
    12:15:26.581 7900 VSCodium.exe  [WH] II: 1
    12:15:31.455 18700 windhawk.exe  [WH] [AllProcessesInjector::ShouldSkipNewProcess]: Skipping excluded process 10528

    I dont know if it’s useful…


  13. Konrad says:

    There is no further error output in the debug window when i turn off the protocol.

  14. Dmitry Barabash says:

    “Disable grouping on the taskbar” and “Middle click to close on the taskbar” mods haven’t worked with StartAllBack since version 3.8. Could you please adjust them to be compatible with StartAllBack 3.8.x?

  15. ja says:

    does any one know when Taskbar with multiple rows
    will be implemented?

  16. ClarkyAU says:

    I would like to see the possiblity of forcing a new explorer instance to be a new tab rather than a new window

  17. Chukwudum Okeke says:

    Hello Mr. Ramen, Thanks for 7TT Taskbar again. I think I will stick with Win10, security issues or not. Is it possible to scroll the Win11 Taskbar with windhawk? I cannot use a desktop or laptop OS where I cant do this without great discomfort. Why do I have to click for overflow programs in win11? It will drive me crazy.

  18. Chukwudum Okeke says:

    Yea i looked through all the WH mods and didn’t see anything remotely close to that. I guess it’s a niche feature to have taskbar pages. Does 7TT work with RevertSV? Gimme some hope man!!

  19. Shawn says:

    Hi Michael, i’m a new user of Windhawk on win11. On win10 with 7+TT, for example i can let taskbar only show icons and set up a specific program such as Excel to show label at same time, is there any way to achieve this on Windhawk? I tried Taskbar Labels for Windows 11 Mod but it didn’t work the way i expected.

  20. Arthur says:

    Hi Michael,

    I’m a happy user of 7+Taskbar for 10 years now.

    I recently switched to W11 and tried some mods, very nice.
    “Middle click to close on the taskbar” works well.

    Do you have a solution to disable “minimize window” when clicking an already active window ?

    It was possible with 7+Taskbar.

    The goal is to have a behavior similar to chrome tabs.

  21. Arthur says:

    Thanks for your answer. I created this new-mod-idea
    Hope it will gather some votes !

  22. Maximilian says:

    Hi Michael,
    Would it at all be possible to create, for all intents and purposes, a functionally identical (to the one on the desktop) Recycle Bin shortcut on the Windows taskbar? I’m asking you because of your extensive experience with exactly that aspect of Windows. I’m aware of the possibility of having a notification, progress bar or flashing effect on your icons. Would Windows allow an application to change its taskbar icon depending on a state, like the Recycle Bin location being ’empty’ or ‘not empty’? Or if not (which I’m suspecting), could one maybe exploit the notification overlay to create a similar effect to a ‘full’ Recycle Bin icon?

  23. Klimat says:

    Hi Michael, first of all let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for your hard work. In my opinion WinXP was the last Windows with good UI, ever since I had to rely on third party fixes to make newer versions of Windows actually usable and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker was one of the cornerstones in that mission.
    Now with Win11 Windhawk takes over the baton. It already fixed 90% of the problems I had with Win11 taskbar (and what a dreadful hing it is in its vanilla state), so I wanted to ask if it is possible to deal with the last 10%.
    What currently bothers me the most is Notification bell and Notification center. They both take away space and I seriously don’t need any of those. With the bell, multiple sources reported 23h2 update should have added an option to disable it, but for me such options did not materialize. And for the Notification center, Windhawk Windows 11 Notification Center Styler mod allowed me to hide the focus assist section with two lines of code, so maybe a similar solution can be applied to hide the Notification Center itself, only leaving the Calender pop up?

    • Hi Klimat,

      Hiding the bell is possible with the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler mod, see this section of the guide.

      For other Notification center customizations, if you don’t see what you’re looking for in the guide, you can grab UWPSpy and come up with the exact style you’re looking for.

      • Klimat says:

        Hm, I tried the code to hide the bell, but it did not work. Is it possible MS changed something in 23h2, so now it doesn’t work anymore? Or maybe I’m just cursed, lol.

        I tried googling said code and ended up on an elevenforum page, where I was actually able to find a solution to the Notification center problem.
        So at least half of the issues is now solved!

  24. Klimat says:

    Thank you!
    I tried UWPSpy and was able to locate a value which after turning invisible does indeed hide the bell! Restarting Explorer of cause reverts the change.

    So now I’m trying to figure out how to go from a value in UWPSpy to a line of code usable in Taskbar Styler…

    • Klimat says:

      After more research with UWPSpy I also came to the conclusion the provided Taskbar Styler code must be right for my Windows 11. And yet for some reason it doesn’t work. There must be some obscure registry setting or policy that overrides Windhawk in this particular case, I can’t think of any other reason…

    • Wait, were you trying this style with Windows 11 Notification Center Styler? The bell is part of the taskbar, so the relevant mod is Windows 11 Taskbar Styler.

  25. Klimat says:

    Hi Michael, that’s a lot of posts from me, so if I’m getting annoying, just tell, but I want to share some more strange bugs I found with other mods.

    Here are mods that I use without any problems:
    Disable grouping on the taskbar
    Taskbar Labels for Windows 11
    Taskbar height and icon size
    Disable Taskbar Thumbnails
    Middle click to close on the taskbar
    Taskbar Clock Customization
    Taskbar notification icon spacing
    Windows 11 Start Menu Styler

    Here is one mod that mostly works, but is for some reason unable to remove the Notification Bell:
    Windows 11 Notification Center Styler

    And here are two mods that work incorrectly for me in their basic functions:
    Classic Explorer navigation bar
    For some reason it creates an extra empty space between panels:

    Taskbar classic context menu
    I was actually really looking forward to this functionality, but for some reason when the mod is turned on, it makes the right click on a taskbar item to behave the same as the left click, so it would just minimise and maximise a window instead of bringing up any menus.
    The mod support debug logs, so here is what I’m getting:
    16:02:56.417 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [188:TaskbarResources_OnTaskListButtonContextRequested_Hook]: >
    16:02:56.417 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [124:CTaskListWnd_HandleClick_Hook]: >
    16:02:57.777 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [188:TaskbarResources_OnTaskListButtonContextRequested_Hook]: >
    16:02:57.777 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [124:CTaskListWnd_HandleClick_Hook]: >
    16:03:01.633 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [188:TaskbarResources_OnTaskListButtonContextRequested_Hook]: >
    16:03:01.633 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [124:CTaskListWnd_HandleClick_Hook]: >
    16:03:02.266 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [188:TaskbarResources_OnTaskListButtonContextRequested_Hook]: >
    16:03:02.266 3584 explorer.exe [WH] [taskbar-classic-menu] [124:CTaskListWnd_HandleClick_Hook]: >

    • Classic Explorer navigation bar
      For some reason it creates an extra empty space between panels:

      Please create an issue here and follow the troubleshooting page to attach logs:

      Taskbar classic context menu
      I was actually really looking forward to this functionality, but for some reason when the mod is turned on, it makes the right click on a taskbar item to behave the same as the left click, so it would just minimise and maximise a window instead of bringing up any menus.

      Same for this one.

      • Klimat says:

        Done for both issues.

        By the way, I did get rid of the Bell after all, the problem was me being an idiot =). In my mind the Bell and the Notification center were connected so much I completely overlooked Taskbar Styler mod and kept showing the code into Notification Center Styler instead, since both had near identical Settings UI with Target and Styles fields. I’m feeling really stupid right now =).

  26. Marshall Brooks says:

    I’m not sure I am understanding some of the settings.

    I want to not group taskbar buttons and I want to have a very small minimum button size so that the taskbar almost never goes to overflow mode.

    I thought I could do this with “Taskbar Labels for Windows 11” with the Minimum width setting – but I tried setting that to 4 and I still see the icon and 3 or 4 letters of the text label, and I want to just see the icon or even just parts of the icon.

    It does say: “Values larger than the Windows minimum width are unsupported and have no effect.” Should that be “Values smaller than …”

    Can I change the Windows minimum width?

    I also saw under “Taskbar Height and Icon Size” there is Taskbar Button Width with a value of 44. I can reduce that and the buttons get smaller and less overflow, but the label text flows into the icon.

    Basically, I just want it to shrink down the button width from the right, even if the label disappears until it hits my minimum width.

    Can this be done?

    Thank you as always for your work with Windhawk.

    • Marshall Brooks says:

      If this can’t be done in settings, I have three somewhat crude workarounds thanks to the new settings in the extension.

      This is really only an issue when I am using my 14-inch laptop screen. When I have a 24-inch external monitor connected, I prefer to see the labels and rarely get into the overflow range.

      Workaround 1 – Just set the extension to “Hide Labels, don’t combine taskbar buttons” and live with it. (With the Disable Taskbar Thumbnails Extension set to Show List), this isn’t a bad option, but is an extra mouse hover.

      Workaround 2 – Manually change the extension to “Show Labels, don’t combine taskbar buttons” when I have the external monitor connected.

      Workaround 3 – Create some kind of batch file to detect whether an external monitor is connected and change the Extension Settings at bootup. Not entirely your area to answer, but I have a few questions on this:

      – I found a few links on determining if an external monitor is connected using a batch file, but i haven’t tried any yet – – looks promising, but it might be easier using AutoHotKey, which is also an option for me.

      – I’m using WindHawk portable. You said I could change the settings using an .ini file and that. The path should be similar to:
      \AppData\Engine\Mods\taskbar-labels.ini I know that works manually, i.e I edit the file with WH running and save it and WH picks up the changes. I’m not sure how to do it programatically. I’m seeing two options:

      Create Taskbar-Labels-External.ini and Taskbar-Labels-Laptop.ini and use the batch file to copy and replace Taskbar-Labels.ini with the one I need.

      Simpler – Copy the entire WindhawkPortable directory to two directories – WindhawkPortableLaptop and WindhawkPortableExternal and call the appropriate version from the Batch/AHK file – (but then I have two versions to configure/maintain if I make any updates).

    • I thought I could do this with “Taskbar Labels for Windows 11” with the Minimum width setting – but I tried setting that to 4 and I still see the icon and 3 or 4 letters of the text label, and I want to just see the icon or even just parts of the icon.

      It does say: “Values larger than the Windows minimum width are unsupported and have no effect.” Should that be “Values smaller than …”

      Can I change the Windows minimum width?

      The note is correct, but the option stopped working in one of the recent Windows updates. Relevant issue:

      I plan to look at it, and hopefully find an alternative solution to make it work.

    • The “Minimum taskbar item width” option was fixed in version 1.3.2 of the mod.

  27. Marshall Brooks says:

    Different, hopefully simpler question.

    I read the comment above mine and found out about Windows 11 Notification Center Styler.

    Basically, I just want to click the clock and have the calendar show up.

    I use the Hide Focus Assist setting from the Styler page: and it works fine.

    I wanted to hide the Notification Pane. I used UWPSpy and found NotificationCenterGrid and set the Width = 0 which worked great in UWPSpy.

    But when I added this setting in WH, I still see the Notification Center pane.

    What should the correct setting be?


  28. Average Geek says:


    I use Taskbar Inspector quite frequently on Windows 10. I notice that the status for this feature on the page is listed as “Not Implemented”. May I know if this is due to lack of interest/donations or is there a technical limitation?

    • Hi,

      It’s a combination of the reasons you mentioned. There’s not much interest (votes/comments/donations), and it’s not trivial to port to Windows 11.

      What’s your use case for it? Custom groups? I’m asking because it might be easier to implement a subset of it, or to have a similar ability implemented in a different way.

      • Average Geek says:

        Hi Michael,

        My primary use case was to change the Application ID of a Window (say a browser window) to a random App ID.

        This would then allow me to re-order the windows independently which was convenient when I was trying to keep windows that were being used for different purposes next to one another. Hope that clarifies.

        • In this case, why not just disable grouping? In Windows 11 (and Windows 10 too), you can use the Disable grouping on the taskbar mod.

          • Average Geek says:

            Can you please clarify a bit further? In Windows 10, I have the “Combine Taskbar buttons” set to “Never”. So if I have two Firefox windows open I will see two buttons in the taskbar. Let us assume I have the following windows in my taskbar: Firefox #1 — Firefox #2 — Notepad — Calculator.

            If I wanted to achieve the following layout: Firefox #1 — Notepad — Calculator — Firefox #2, even with “Combine Taskbar buttons” set to Never, I cannot move the location of Firefox #2 natively in Windows. The only way I have been able to achieve this is with 7TT’s Taskbar Inspector and changing the Application ID.

            How would I achieve the above layout with the Windhawk mod you have linked to?

            • Average Geek says:

              Ok scratch my previous comment. I think I understood which setting in 7TT you are referring to and how it operates. Can’t believe I missed that completely!

              One follow-up question – In 7TT, there’s an extra checkbox for “When not grouping, place new items next to existing ones”. Is that available in the Windhawk mod?

              I see a boolean “placeUngroupedItemsTogether” in the Mod source code but could not see any descriptive text for this boolean value.

  29. hitlow says:

    Is it possible to somehow switch windows using the win+ keyboard shortcut, I did not find this in mods. If the “same window” is obtained only through the keyboard shortcut win+1+1, etc., and not win+1 win+2, etc.

  30. Marshall Brooks says:

    Another complicated issue …

    Is there a way to offset the taskbar list/thumbnails from the taskbar.

    I’m using the Disable Taskbar Thumbnails mod, but I’m also using the TrueLaunch Bar application above my taskbar.

    With TLB running, the bottom entry of the taskbar list (or the bottom of the thumbnail) is behind the TLB.

    I would like to move it up a few pixels.

    I thought I saw that Windows 11 Notifcation Center Styler could control these, but UWPSpy on ShellExperienceHost didn’t seem to find it, and Disable Taskbar Thumbnails uses Explorer.exe which implies it could be controlled with Win11 Taskbar Styler, but I couldn’t find the thumbnails in UWPSpy explorer.exe either.


  31. Marshall Brooks says:

    Just wanted to say thanks for updating Taskbar tray icon spacing to also fix the overflow area spacing. It works great for me!

  32. Alex says:

    Hi Michael
    Regarding the “drag to reorder” option for windhawk mod for windows 11 24h2 for grouped thumbnails,
    is there a way to lock the order so windows doesnt push updated thumbnails to the far right of the group?

    Like if i have 1 2 3 4 5 as my order, and im working on 3, somehow windows pushes it to the right and the order ends up as 1 2 4 5 3 and i have to pull it back to the middle. (happens quite a lot)

  33. Alex says:

    Oh thanks a lot for the info.
    It was working on 7+ back when i was still on windows 10 but since 7+ wasnt supported on 11 24h2 i missed the option.

    Installed the mod for windhawk and will see how it goes. Thank you so much for the port

  34. Marcin says:

    Hi! First of all, thanks for all the progress made on Windhawk mods! Got the setup to almost match my 7+TT settings, there’s just one thing I’m missing:
    Left click on combined item: Open last window if inactive, otherwise open thumbnail preview.
    Is that option included in any of the existing mods? I couldn’t find it on the Feature list.

  35. varNewDog says:

    Would it be possible to have adjustable thumbnail size? I often have YT playing in background and sometimes peek at the video by hovering over.

  36. Alex Andrade says:

    OMG! After a long time without checking your site, I’ve came back just to check if that many win7/10 tweaks were finally available and they were!!!!

    Thank you so much for your job!!! I’m following your work since the win7 early tweaks! <3

  37. schwit says:

    Any time trying to update a mod
    EPERM: operation not permitted, open ‘c:\utl\Windhawk\AppData\EditorWorkspace\.clang-format’

  38. schwit says:

    Deleting the file fixed it


  39. Natalie says:

    I use taskbar inspector to set ‘Show labels’, ‘group’ and ‘combine’ on a per app basis. So different apps have different values of those 3 attributes.
    Without the taskbar inspector option in windhawk mods, is there a way to achieve the same result?
    Just need to know where to direct my votes

  40. Alisson says:

    First, thank you for everything! Interface feels a lot better now!

    I’m using the Vertical Taskbar mod, and i also use the option Always Show All Tray Icons. The problem is that it only shows the icons in 1 column, even though there is enough space to make it 2 or more columns.

    Anybody know a way to split it?

  41. burnertmp says:

    Hi there, first of all, thank you for the amazing software and support.

    I want to request something that Start11 has, so I can move away from it entirely and only use Windhawk.

    And that is, completely replacing the search in Start Menu, with a search using the Everything software.

    I can find any file on my computer instantly using the Start Menu and it’s magical. There has been some other solutions to this, but they were all hacky in comparison. Since Start11 completely replaces the Start Menu it’s seamless, and i find it hard to live without it now.

  42. Robert says:

    I just became a fan of 7+TT. Thanks a lot for “Don’t group”!

    Does “Don’t group” still will work with ExplorerPatcher in Win11-24H2. For now I have not upgraded!

    And ‘d like to request for Windhawk mods to also include “Quick Launch”. I use it everywhere, together with ExplorerPatcher!

    Thanks a lot!!! 🙂

    • Does “Don’t group” still will work with ExplorerPatcher in Win11-24H2. For now I have not upgraded!

      Yes, the Windhawk mod works with the ExplorerPatcher taskbar for Win11-24H2. Note that you need to enable the relevant option in the mod settings.

      And ‘d like to request for Windhawk mods to also include “Quick Launch”

      That’s “Taskbar toolbars” in the table above, go ahead and vote for it. Currently I don’t have a timeline or short-term plans for it.

    • PBJ says:

      I am delaying “updating” to 24H2 (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it) though I must as the MS license requires us to do so as it enables, but here ( is a discussion on enabling the handy Quick Launch bar via the EP restoration which MS is trying to exclude.

      I thank God for those who code such work arounds that enable restoring and obtaining greater functionality and efficiency.

      Note that safe freeware like Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5.1 or maybe the older Right-Click Extender enable adding things to the right-click context menu.

      Here is a composite image of my DT under W/11 23H2:

  43. Jens says:


    is there any way to get multi-row tray icons with
    # (preferably) the vertical taskbar mod
    # the multi-row taskbar mod?

    As I see it, the 2d arrangement of tray icons was the natural behaviour of the old taskbar when pulled to multi-row width (no matter whether in horizontal or vertical orientation). The icons would just “flow” automatically and fill the given space optimally so that the least amount of taskbar space was taken up.

    The new 11 taskbar doesn’t do that which is annoying in horizontal mode with multiple rows, but a deal breaker in vertical mode.

  44. Guido says:

    Hi! I’d like to submit a request regarding the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler. I’m currently using it because I love the DockLike theme. I’ve customized my taskbar the way I want it, but I’ve encountered an issue: I can’t (or don’t know how to) hide the system tray grid and have it reappear on hover. As I’m using this theme, I thought it would make sense to have this option available.

    While I’m trying to figure out how to hide the system tray grid with Windhawk, I’m currently using RoundedTB to achieve this function. However, I’d prefer to have this feature directly within Windhawk, either in the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler mod or as a completely separate mode. I want want to stop using RoundedTB and rely on Windhawk only.

    Thanks for considering my request!

    • Hi, currently Windhawk doesn’t have a way to achieve that. Indeed, it sounds like a better fit for a new mod. Generally, it’s best to create and track mod suggestions here, so you might want to create a new issue with your suggestion:

      • Guido says:

        Hi, thank you for your prompt response.

        I have just submitted the request through GitHub. Additionally, I have another query regarding the Windows 11 Taskbar Styler. Whenever I enable the DockLike theme, the task thumbnail backgrounds become transparent (literally clear), and it disrupts from the acrylic background I’ve set for everything (taskbar, start menu, notification center and control center). I would prefer them to be set to acrylic, but I haven’t found a way to do so. Could you please advise if this is possible? If so, could you provide the target and styles I should use? I’d prefer to manually add the target with its styles since I have other configurations set, and it would be challenging to insert the code within the Advanced textbox.

        By the way, as I mentioned, I have successfully set the acrylic background for the start menu. However, I am struggling to do the same for the search menu. I read on GitHub that, following the latest version of the Windows 11 Start Menu Styler mod, the search menu background should pair with the start menu background. Despite this, I haven’t been able to get it to work. Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this? Again, I would prefer to set the target and styles manually due to the existing configurations I set.

        Thank you sincerely for your assistance.

  45. Mike Thomas says:

    One feature of 7TT I don’t see in the feature list is what was called Mouse Button Control. See the “Advanced Options / Mouse Button Control” section of the 7TT help file for details. I used this feature to ensure that clicking a taskbar button always activated the associated window, even when that window was already active. Creating a new DWORD called taskbaritem|lclick in the appropriate place in the registry and setting its value to 1 accomplished the behavior I wanted.

    The default Windows behavior is to deactivate if you click the task bar button for the active application. In the past this trap had me making changes to a production system when I thought I was working in the terminal window for the development stack.

  46. Armand says:

    Hi! I’m looking for a way to auto-hide the taskbar per monitor. At the moment you can only do it on all monitors or none.

    The reason I want this is because I now have an OLED monitor and I want to avoid burn-in. My other monitors are LCD, so I’d like to still see my notifications, taskbar progresss bars, and system time etc. without having to tab out of my game.

    I looked through all the mods but could not see anything like this.

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