Multiline Ultimate Assembler v2.3

Multiline Ultimate Assembler v2.3 is out.

x64_dbg support

Starting from version 2.3, the Multiline Ultimate Assembler plugin supports the x64_dbg debugger in addition to OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger.

x64_dbg is a relatively new project, and thus not all features could be implemented for it. For example, the option to disassemble external code is not available, as the debugger doesn’t expose this information.

Despite of the limitations, x64_dbg evolves quickly, and is already usable for many tasks. It can be extremely useful for 64-bit targets, as the more mature OllyDbg can only handle 32-bit executables at the moment.

Multiline comments

It’s possible to use the COMMENT directive to define a comment which consists of multiple lines, using the MASM syntax:

COMMENT delimiter [[text]]
[[text]] delimiter [[text]]

Other changes

In addition to the above, v2.3 adds drag and drop support to the editor, and fixes a couple of minor bugs.

P.S. The text editor component, RAEdit, was originally written in 32-bit x86 assembly. If you’re wondering how it was ported to 64-bit, refer to the post C as a portable assembly: porting RAEdit to 64-bit.

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on September 4th, 2014.
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