Resource Hacker FX: the improved Resource Hacker

Note: The most recent version of Resource Hacker incorporates most of the changes that this patch offers. Therefore, Resource Hacker FX is considered obsolete, and the post is here mostly for historical reasons.

Remember the good ol’ Resource Hacker?
It’s a popular Resource viewer/editor, I use it to quickly view and edit resources. I tried to find an alternative, but I did not find any that I liked, so I decided to just improve Resource Hacker.

Here is a patcher that needs to be used on the original Resource Hacker v3.6.0.92:
zip Resource Hacker (117.97 kB, changelog)

Here is how it looks:

What does the patcher change:
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Posted in Releases, Software on March 13th, 2011. 395 Comments.

7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.8 is out!

7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.8 is here!
No extremely new features this time, but there are some improvements…

The decombine-on-hover feature introduced in v1.7 can also show labels when decombining.

Taskbar Inspector can now be opened by left clicking the tray icon.

The Left click on grouped item function is back. Although the tweak can be enabled through the registry, people wanted it back in 7TT, so here it is.

Before running the new version, don’t forget to close the old one to avoid this 🙂
Future versions will warn you if you have an old version running instead of just opening it’s window.

Posted in Software, Updates on February 18th, 2011. 25 Comments.

MUltimate Assembler v1.3

MUltimate Assembler (the OllyDbg plugin) is updated to version 1.3, with a new option of choosing how to disassemble hexadecimal numbers:

Also in this version:
– Fixed a crash when writing labels and comments.
– The asm files path can be set in the configuration file.

Posted in Software, Updates on January 27th, 2011. No Comments.


winapiexec is a small tool that allows to run WinAPI functions through command line parameters.


The syntax is:
winapiexec.exe library.dll@FunctionName 123 unicode_text "a space"

If you don’t specify a library or use “k”, kernel32.dll is used.
If you specify “u” as a library, user32.dll is used.

Numbers are detected automatically. You can use hex numbers (like 0xFE) and use the minus sign (e.g. -5).
Strings are Unicode by default.

You can use special prefixes to specify parameter types:
$s:ansi – an ANSI string.
$u:unicode – a Unicode string (it’s Unicode by default, but you can use it to force numbers as strings).
$b:1024 – a zero-bytes buffer with the size you specify, in bytes.
$$:1 – a reference to another parameter, you can also use $$:0 for the program’s name (argv[0]).
$a:0,1,two,3 – an array of parameters, divided by commas. You can use all the prefixes here. Each parameter is a 32-bit number (64-bit for winapiexec64).
$a[1,2,$a[3,4],5] – an alternative syntax for an array of parameters. Allows to have nested arrays.
$$:3@2 – a reference to an item in an array of parameters, can have more than one indirection.

While referencing another parameter, note that they are processed by the order of execution, which means there’s no point to reference a parameter at the right side relative to the referencing one.
Also note that when a function returns, its first parameter (like library.dll@FunctionName) is replaced with the return value.

You can execute multiple WinAPI functions, one after the other, using a comma:
winapiexec.exe library.dll@FunctionName1 123 , library.dll@FunctionName2 456
You can also have nested functions, using parentheses:
winapiexec.exe library.dll@FunctionName1 ( library.dll@FunctionName2 456 )
In this case the return value of the internal function is passed as a parameter to the external function.


zip (6.02 kB)
Latest version: v1.2

Source code
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Posted in Releases, Software on January 8th, 2011. 224 Comments.

7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.7, with decombine on hover

That’s right, and here’s how it looks:

Together with whatever-you-want grouping introduced with v1.6 (video), it becomes a really handy feature.
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Posted in Software, Updates on January 7th, 2011. 28 Comments.

7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.6, with whatever-you-want grouping

Ever thought that the idea of taskbar items grouping is good, except that Windows does not group the correct items? 7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.6 is here to the rescue!

Now what do you think about this? 🙂

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Posted in Software, Updates on December 11th, 2010. 16 Comments.

7 Taskbar Tweaker update! v1.5, with Taskbar Inspector

Hi! Today I’m releasing 7 Taskbar Tweaker v1.5, and here I’m gonna show you some of it’s new features.

The most interesting update is the Taskbar Inspector, and here’s how it looks:

It’s basically a list of your taskbar items, and it allows you to do the following:
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Posted in Software, Updates on November 27th, 2010. 26 Comments.

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog!

This is actually my first post here, all the older ones are imported from the old forum, which I wanted to get rid of for some time already but didn’t have the time to.
Now, as my previous hosting crashed, and WordPress 3.0 was released, I decided to give it a try.

Enjoy your stay 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized on June 17th, 2010. 7 Comments.

Revealing the secrets of Icy Tower v1.3.1

Hello 🙂

The stuff I’m going to release here is something I’ve worked on a year ago. Back then, v1.3.1 was the latest version of Icy Tower, and I’m sure that if I’d release it then, johanp would hate me as heck (remember how he reacted on Icy Tower Replay Editor?). But today, Icy Tower v1.3.1 is history. Also, IMO, Icy Tower is history in general (at least the desktop game, can’t tell anything about mobile/facebook as I don’t really know what these are). v1.4 mostly ruined the game – it became more static and ugly (no eye candy, images look stretched), harold’s got large ears and is not as cool as before, the game’s got lots of options, which makes it more complicated. Also, the official forum is not as active as it was before.
So, here it is…

A project called replay_checker:
rar replay_checker.rar (45.34 KB)

This small console program does the following: loads a replay, checks it for validity (including the hash), and then silently plays the replay to verify it’s validity, just like the official itr checker.
So, what’s so special about it? It’s completely open source!
The replay file format, the hash calculation method, and the Icy Tower physics (in fact it’s whole engine) – these are available to look at from inside.
If you are familiar with graphics programming, you can easily turn this replay_checker to a replay_player, or even write an Icy Tower like game, which is capable of saving compatible replays 🙂

P.S. You can download Icy Tower v1.3.1 here.

rar bonus.rar (518.94 kB)

Posted in Reverse Engineering on April 4th, 2010. 10 Comments.

A command-line screenshot maker

When googling for a command-line screenshot maker, all I found was a bloated 3 MB tool and this nifty piece of code.
So I took it and added some command line options I needed:

-filename "my screeny.png"    file name (default: screenshot.png)
-encoder png                  file encoder: bmp/jpeg/gif/tiff/png (default: png)
-quality 100                  file quality for jpeg (between 0 and 100)
-resize 50                    image size, % of the original size (between 1 and 99)

Perhaps it’s gonna be useful to others, so I’m releasing it.
The code and a compiled binary are attached.

rar source.rar (2.97 KB)
rar binary.rar (20.24 KB)

GitHub repository:

Posted in Programming on November 16th, 2009. 8 Comments.