7+ Taskbar Tweaker for Windows 10: early alpha version

Windows 10 Technical Preview was recently released by Microsoft, and as you might have noticed, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t run on it. A while ago I wrote a blog post, which answers some of the questions about 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and Windows 10.

I’m happy to announce that the very first alpha version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker for Windows 10 (Technical Preview) is ready for some testing. Those of you who have donated for the porting effort can get the alpha version here (link removed).

Please note that this version is not complete. While several options work well, others don’t work as expected, and some don’t work at all. Most of these issues are known, and will be fixed in future alpha versions.

Alpha version changelog

  • v4.5.9.2 (November 7): fixed many bugs.
  • v4.5.9.3 (November 14): fixed several bugs, and included 7+ Taskbar Tweaker beta changes (including the “disable_taskbar_transparency” advanced option).
  • v4.5.9.4 (November 28): added support for Windows 10 Build 9879 (and dropped support for previous Windows 10 builds).
  • v4.5.9.5 (February 21): updated for build 9926.
  • v4.5.9.6 (February 21): bugfixes.
  • v4.5.9.7 (March 27): updated for build 10041.
  • v4.5.9.8 (March 28): bugfixes.
  • v4.5.9.9 (May 8): updated for build 10074.
  • v4.5.9.10 (May 15): Korean translation.
  • v4.5.9.11 (July 31): updated for the RTM build, 10240. Fixed several incompatibilities with Windows 10.
  • v4.5.9.12 (August 5): many many fixes for Windows 10.

Update (August 7, 2015): The first public beta version is available! More details here.

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on October 24th, 2014.

133 Responses to “7+ Taskbar Tweaker for Windows 10: early alpha version”

  1. Foze Rifaee says:

    I want to download 7+ Taskbar Tweaker as free!
    I Can’t donate 🙁

  2. GWK says:

    i never donate !!! i am forever FREE

    • Hi GWK,
      Nobody forces you to donate. Feel free to just wait for the final release, which will be free as usual.
      In general, the alpha version is not a product. It’s a little bonus to show my appreciation for those who help the development by donating as much as they feel that I deserve, and/or as much as they can afford. In general, the development of the tweaker is very time consuming (and when you grow older, you have less and less free time, apparently), and the donations really help.
      If you think that I deserve nothing, it’s OK, don’t donate.
      If you cannot donate for some reason, contact me and we’ll sort it out.

  3. Alex says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL, thanks for the great tool. When will you release a beta version?

  4. Anna Mott says:

    Ok bug on current build, It forces your time on your taskbar to switch to date format D:?

  5. ArtLive says:

    Windows 10 (build 9879) — 7 Taskbar Tweaker completely not working

  6. Jason Kibblewhite says:

    I donated for the W8.1 alpha. Now that I’ve installed the W10 preview I’m happy to see that my donation still counts and I can get access to this alpha.

    It works wonderfully. Keep up the good work!

  7. Jim Zenn says:

    I’m just here to say: thanks. Thanks for the great tools you made!

  8. bjarkirafn says:

    For some strange reason I cannot get the previous or the latest alpha to work on my Windows 10 preview? It always gives me multiple error windows that I need to shut it down with Task manager?

    Is someone else experiencing this issue?

  9. jack says:


    On the latest build of windows 10 the alpha causes a crash loop leading to the error message coming up again and again and have to restart.

  10. bjarkirafn says:

    Thanks! I’ll be on the look out for it on your site!

  11. pyarmak says:

    Sadly windows 10 (x64) forced an update to version 9879 earlier today which breaks the tweaker (unable to load library -> crashes explorer).

    I’m eagerly awaiting an updated version seeing as I fell in love with this program!

  12. culot says:

    I do look forward to the next update to this for build 9879, as stock Win10’s taskbar is driving me batty. 🙂

  13. culot says:

    Huzzah, it works! Thanks!

  14. Foze Rifaee says:

    build 9888 not supported 🙁

  15. ArtLive says:

    9926, official test build. Library error. 🙁


  16. Alexandre Pinto says:


  17. Foze. says:

    Never combine, hide labels

  18. Willem says:

    I also get the library error (build 9926). Installed windows 10 2 hours ago, already considering going back to 8.1 due to this problem. Donating is not possible cuz paypal asks for my creditcard information, which I don’t have, nor am I willing to get one. Is there another way I can donate? I could even send you cash by mail if needed.

  19. jack says:

    hi RaMMicHaeL

    I am using the latest alpha on windows 10 build 9926. I have noticed a problem with some taskbar titles showing for putty. In previous versions with settings of hide labels and do not combine this problem did not occur.

    On hover over the taskbar icon the title vanishes and comes back when mouse off.

    See image http://i.imgur.com/2l0mlIz.jpg

    Here is my settings, http://i.imgur.com/7cuku26l.jpg

  20. Sebastian says:

    On the Windows 10 build 10041 is a error “Could not load library (111)”

    I am not complaining, it is just FYI

  21. Brent says:

    Doesn’t work on build 10041 🙁 Thanks for your hard work! This is definitely one of my must have programs.

  22. Matthias Vance says:

    I experience the same error, this is my system information:

    Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview (x64)
    Build 10041

  23. xHR says:

    Got an error like users before on Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview (x64)
    Build 10041 “Could not load library (111)”
    My life on windows is almost over without Ur desktop by middle click!
    Thank U for supporting!

  24. Hu Yunong says:

    Did you have a version for windows 10 build 10041.If you have this version,you will email me.Please give me a new version for windows 10 build 10041.Thanks very much!

  25. Hu Yunong says:

    I have this error,too.
    Got an error like users before on Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview (x64)
    Build 10041 “Could not load library (111)”
    My life on windows is almost over without your desktop by middle click!

  26. Black_Ps` says:

    When can we expect a beta i can’t use Windows 10 without your great program.


  27. Black_Ps` says:

    Oh so late…so we must wait 5-6 months

  28. Andrew says:


    I was wondering about another feature that hopefully can be tweaked in Windows 10.

    Cortana Search Box (similar functionality called “Deskbar”). I never tried it but it seems to be an input box for file and web search. What I’d like to see is a similar box for Everything app from voidtools.com. Dev said he has it in todo list but there doesn’t seem to be any progress. I’m afraid it will stay like this. But the app is very good and likely surpasses speed of anything Windows can offer.

    I’d like to know if it’s possible to implement something similar on taskbar, or redirect its functions to Everything interface. There is command-line tool on original download page which, I think, may help.


    • Hi,

      I’d like to know if it’s possible to implement something similar on taskbar

      I don’t know, I’m not familiar with Windows 10’s new functionality. I don’t use the program, so chances that I’m going to investigate this are low.

      • Andrew says:

        Thanks for reply.

        Regardless, I suggest you try this program. For me it saves so much time everyday, I can hardly imagine doing any task (where I need to locate anything) without it anymore.

        • Stamimail says:

          Hi Andrew,
          I think putting input box in Taskbar would be a mistake. It’s just taking up important space.
          Try to enable “Run in Background” option in Everything, and to make a hotkey for the EXE.
          I personally use: Win+Alt+Spcae, and it’s great. But I think you can somehow to configure the Win key or similiar to do the same job.

          • Andrew says:

            I’m using a tray icon right now. Hotkey is a good idea, thanks. However, more and more I find myself in a situation where I really wouldn’t mind a separate input field right on the taskbar – afterall it is rarely filled fully for me. Additionally, a great option for saving space would be to make it shirk/minimize/hide itself when not in focus. If I could do that, it probably would be a separate dock-like tool that’s using Everything SDK.

  29. Wouter Veldman says:

    Is there a way to donate without paypall?

    I refuse to make a new paypall account after I forgot my password and needed to send copies of my utility bill and passport xD

    I would be happy to donate for this awesome piece of software which can hide the useless startbutton (I hope that option is still avi in the win10 alpha)

  30. Peter says:

    After a recent update of windows 10 7+ taskbar tweaker seems to be unable to load (109). The build is 10074.

  31. Sebastian says:

    As Peter said earlier, 7TT does not work after the last windows 10 update, on build 10074. Error dialog:


    7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (109)


  32. Sebastian says:

    Yes, 7TT is starting OK now, although, right click dragging seems to not working anymore. But we always have the possibility to drag thumbnails so I think it’s OK for an alpha version.

    Thank you for your prompt response!

  33. Sebastian says:

    Do you have some idea when you will publish new version? For me the most important option is no_width_limit

    • There is some works that still has to be done before 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is ready for Windows 10.
      I hope to be able to release a beta version in a week or two, but I can’t promise that: Windows 10 has some major changes which require a large amount of work to adjust all the various tweaks that the tweaker provides.

      • Matt says:

        This is a really great utility that I install on all of my work and personal machines. I’d completely support a paid version to support your work on Win10!

  34. Michael says:

    Windows offers no simple way to minimize/maximize single windows through simple keyboard shortcuts (2-step Alt-Space+N command is too cumbersome and unreliable in some cases). Is there a way you could add minimize/maximize codes to Value Data (for Advanced Options->Keyboard Shortcuts), so we can bind “minimize active window” to keyboard shortcuts? Please consider.

    Another thing, I’ve been using the program for 4 years now and can’t imagine working with Windows without it. Just wanted to thank you for all your hard and selfless work.

    • Marc says:

      Try Win+Down. It minimizes a window

    • I don’t plan to add it to the tweaker, but it’s not really related to the taskbar – it can be easily achieved in many ways.

      For example, you can use the tiny winapiexec utility.
      Create a shortcut with the following command line, and create a hotkey for it:
      winapiexec.exe u@PostMessageW ( u@GetForegroundWindow ) 0x112 0xF020 0

      • Michael says:

        My thinking was that it’s directly related to the taskbar by the fact that you can only minimize certain windows (especially ones that don’t have minimize button or allow the ALT+SPACE menu) through right-clicking on their taskbar button and using Minimize from there—as I’m often forced to do. Regardless, if you’re not planning to implement this into Tweaker, I’ll be sure to try winapiexec instead. Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction and thanks again for all the coding efforts you do.

        Thanks for the advice. Sadly, Win+Down only works when Aero Snap is enabled. Once you disable it, Win+Down does nothing at all.

  35. Jimmy says:

    I also would like to take the time to say thank you and I very much am grateful for your program. I have used it for such a long time now, since upgrading to Windows 10 yesterday, i miss having this program and being able to use it.
    I am in financial hard times currently, else I would most gladly donate to the project!
    Hopefully you are able to release a free version that functions with Windows 10 soon 🙂
    Thank you again!

  36. Doy says:

    What is the minimum donation?

  37. Shan949 says:

    Is the no_width_limit will work in the windows 10 version of 7+ taskbar tweaker?

  38. just4accs says:

    how much do i need to donate at least to get the early acces?

  39. Ull says:

    I can’t donate through paypal… Is there another way?

  40. Stefan Gehrke says:

    Just tried Early Alpha with Win10 Pro and it’s the first version which worked! All the settings that I’m used to seem to be working. Except one: Advanced options, disable_topmost, data: 2 produces an endless loop of “unable to load library”. Too bad since putting any window on top of the taskbar is my favorite feature.

  41. Windows 10 says:

    Windows 10 has been released now, but I’m still getting an error that I can’t run 7TT.
    I thought you must have added support for it by now?

  42. tibo77 says:

    I love this software!!
    But i should very much this function:
    “Don’t show jump list when dragging a taskbar item towards the desktop”
    There’s a small chance of getting it back?

  43. addicted says:

    donation cap “1000$” is reached! could you please release at least a public beta version! can’t use windows 10 without it! thanks ;__;

    • I prefer to finish the basic porting, i.e. eliminate all known crashes and port at least the features on the GUI, before releasing. I believe that it will be ready by the weekend, and if not – I’ll most probably release a beta version with what I have.

      • Uncle Gates says:

        Hi … do you have a candidate date for the first release ? a two weeks ? a month ?

        can we expect new features using some of the new features of W10 or just the port from w8.1 ?

        thank you

        • Hi,

          do you have a candidate date for the first release ?

          For the final release? About two weeks if all goes well.

          can we expect new features using some of the new features of W10 or just the port from w8.1 ?

          For the first Windows 10 compatible version – only options ported from the current tweaker. Windows 10 specific tweaks might, or might not, be added in the future.

  44. skyli says:


    How can I select to enable volume slider on both taskbar and notification area?

  45. Hugo says:

    Bug report (

    When scrolling to control the volume, if the volume goes all way down to mute it cannot be scrolled up. If upped manually, the scroll works again.

    • That used to be a feature in pre-Windows 10 versions, but now with that new behavior of the volume control, it indeed looks like a bug.

      The feature was meant to help prevent accidental unmuting, due to a request of one of the users – if the sound was muted, you had to move the mouse out of the taskbar before scrolling.
      Windows 8.1 and earlier didn’t actually mute the volume if you were scrolling down to zero, but Windows 10 does. Also, there seems to be a small bug in Windows 10 – if you keep scrolling down, the sound unmutes again.

      I’ll think about a solution. One option is to disable that defensive feature altogether. Another option is to use it only if the sound was muted when volume control was opened, and not if it became muted afterwards.

  46. Piro says:

    Curious if there’s any idea when this will be released? it’s an integral part of my experience on windows and wouldn’t have upgraded to 10 had i thought about it…

    I’d donate but my bank is a butthole :/ but this program deff deserves it.

  47. John Travolski says:

    I really appreciate that you’ve continued to work on this. However, now that Windows 10 is officially released, approximately how long will it be before there’s a final, public release of Taskbar Tweaker for Windows 10?

  48. Adil says:

    All the features I care about are working on windows 10.

    Thank you very much for your hard work, well worth a donation.

  49. bob says:

    Can’t wait for a public release of 7+ taskbar tweaker for win 10, just switched over and I’m missing the features I had with win 7 🙁

  50. S'Ronald says:

    Hi RaM, 7tt make i move on to windows 7, then windows 8 and last 8.1 without 7tt maybe i still use windows xp sp3 now, LOL, how much time we must wait brand new 7tt for The Last Windows 10, or may be you could make Count Down for public realease xD, cheer RaM

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