LF2 Ultimate Patcher

Change copyright
Change LF2.NET cheat
Change main menu background (Only for 1.9c)
Enable all characters at startup
Enable cheats in Stage Mode
Make the main window have it’s resource icon
Make the main window have a maximize button
Make LF2 minimize instead of exit when ESC is pressed
Completely disable game sound
Allow PNGs as sprites

rar LF2_Ultimate_Patcher.rar (46.58 KB)

Posted in Releases, Software by Michael (Ramen Software) on June 27th, 2006.

11 Responses to “LF2 Ultimate Patcher”

  1. Surikalex says:

    Hi rammichael! Big thx for lf2 ultimate patcher! You can give source code of patcher and png?I want to made patcher for lf2 2.0a)

  2. Salamander says:

    RaMMicHaeL, can you describe this process in more details?
    Cuz functions of the patcher are very useful.So please.

  3. Make it with a benefit can change which character will enable by the code

  4. Awal says:

    Hi Rammmichael, can u update this patch to a newer version please? Make it work on v2.0a, but the most important is the png patch 😀 hehe that’s all

    thx for made this patch 🙂

  5. Zain says:

    Hi, my lf2 says cannot load lf2.DLL when I enabled PNG sprites. help me

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