
Contact information. You can contact Ramen Software by email, or by leaving a reply on this page. Ramen Software is a website with small but unique collection of useful utilities for Windows.

You can contact me by email, or by leaving a reply below.

Posted on June 17th, 2010.

820 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Thanks for 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and in particular the w10_large_icons feature, which I found at while searching for a solution for the Win 10 small taskbar icon annoyance.

    • Tim W says:

      Loved the win 10 Large taskbar Icons feature! Unfortunately, they won’t let me use it at work because it triggered Symantec Endpoint intrusion detection and has two Trojan hits on VirusTotal

  2. Valentin says:

    Hello RaMMicHaeL,
    I use your Taskbar Tweaker 7+ program under Windows 7 (very handy thank you), and I wanted to know if it were possible to add the “decombine via left-click on the group, not only via on mouse hover.

    thanks good
    And sorry for translation

  3. Randy says:

    Hi Ram,
    Could 7+ have a feature to minimize on Windows startup? Currently running Windows 10, and I have to minimize it every time Windows is restarted.

    Otherwise, totally solid man. Just donated $10.

  4. Eli says:

    A couple of weeks ago I sent a comment to you using the hidden, disposable email address submitted above. You responded promptly, for which I thank you.

    However, today I received a phishing email at that same email address (the old ‘your PayPal account is limited’ scam).

    So I suspect that your website has been compromised.

    If you want to know more about this, contact me offline via that disposable email address.

    • FF says:

      I’m just browsing around, and I wanted to point out that anyone can send an email from any email address. I can send an email to you with the “From” field set to “Steve Jobs“, while having had no access to any such email address, nor the Apple smtp server, nor ever having had any interaction with Jobs, Apple or anything else. The SMTP protocol is very versatile and you can do pretty much anything you want with it. I wouldn’t be worried about compromised machines just as a result of a rogue email from a trusted email address.

  5. Setr223 says:

    It would be great if there was an option in Taskbar Tweaker 7+ to reduce the size of font of seconds in the clock. Something like, you know, big hour, big minutes and small (eg. half height) secons.
    Seconds are useful but too much distracting now.

  6. loise says:

    Do you know any way to lock lf2 .dat

  7. tom says:

    The remove exta gap between items option works fine while in horizontal mode. I only use the taskbar in vertical mode. There is a bit of space on each side of the items that cannot be reduced. Can you reduce it somehow while in vertical mode?

  8. Cody says:

    In regards to the w10_large_icons feature: Is there any way I can make your software load before the desktop appears?

    I realize this is something minor, but I really don’t like having to see the icons small even for a moment. They don’t become large until after your program eventually launches.

  9. hi, i’m using win7 64 bit. i want to disable tumbnail preview at taskbar on mousehover. searched google, forums etc. non of the articles helped me inculiding editing registry, system performance options, disabling aero peek, using gpedit.msc… only taskbar tweaker solved the problem. but:

    first of all i do not want to use a program to do this.

    and secondly, if you managed to do this, hiding prewiev with a program, that means there must be a solution. could you please tell me how to do this without using a program.

  10. Tim says:

    What would be really useful would be an option to have the taskbar buttons a different color to the taskbar itself, or some other way of telling the groups when you have manual grouping with vertical taskbar. see here:

  11. LafinJack says:

    You are beautiful.

  12. Chris says:


    is it maybe possible to center the taskbar icons like shown here with your tweak? (

    I think it looks awesome and would be extremly useful for multi-screen-setups.

    Best regards,

  13. Lisa says:


    I donated so I can test your alpha versions of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. I haven’t received any e-mail with a download link. I checked my spam folder as well, but no e-mail. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    E-mail I used:

  14. SpeedXaaa says:

    Hey, I made a donation just a bit ago in order to get the alpha version, and it says I’m not in the database. Does it just take a little while to process or what?


  15. T.L. Wang says:

    Hey, I made a donation just a bit ago in order to get the alpha version, and it says I’m not in the database. Give me a hand please.

  16. Taylor Landress says:

    Dontaed a little while ago and haven’t received my download link. How long does it usually take? Thanks again for this helpful software/.

  17. Nate says:

    Hi, donated and won’t let me download. Thanks!

  18. Andre Asselin says:

    I tried using the alpha versions of taskbar tweaker with Win10 anniversary, but Win10 is detecting the download as malware (Trojan:Win32/Varpes.M!cl). Virustotal also is reporting 9/56 engines detect it as malware

    I’m sure this is a false positive…. but is there something you can do to eliminate that?



    • The only thing I can do is contact the companies, but I don’t want to invest my time in that, since that’s an alpha version.
      As a side note, I have just released a public beta version, which seems to have less detections.

      • Andre Asselin says:

        I just tried the new beta, and Win10 does NOT detect it as malware. Not sure why the alphas are borked and the beta works… but problem solved

  19. Kuba says:

    I’ve been using Taskbar Tweaker for several years, and it has worked like a charm. Recently, both of my work PCs (a Win7 and a Win10 machine) have been giving the following error message:
    7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (1003),
    and 7TT tweaks do not work. I’ve identified the cause as a block by CylancePROTECT, which my company has recently started using. If there is a workaround, I would love to know about it. I haven’t figured out yet whether Cylance has a list or is identifying 7TT through the Windows Explorer processes it affects. Thought I would share.

    • Error 1003 means that the tweaker could not create a remote thread in the explorer’s process.
      I’m not familiar with CylancePROTECT. If it has a white list, try adding the tweaker. If that doesn’t work, contact the company and ask them for a solution.

      • Kuba says:

        Thanks! That helps. CP uses an AI engine to identify and prevent suspicious processes from running, and as yet I have not seen a white list, though maybe there is one hidden somewhere. I’ve reached out to the company to get more information. If I find a solution, or whatever feedback I get from the company, I’ll share here for others’ benefit.

      • Crosbie says:

        I have the same problem – I cannot use Taskbar Tweaker with CylancePROTECT, which is mandatory where I work. The behavior I see is that the Taskbar Tweaker process is killed shortly after start-up. Checking the Cylance console I see the message ‘Violation: Oop ThreadCreate’. I have not been able to find out exactly what this means, but according to our internal documentation, remote thread creation will cause a process to killed. If a CreateRemoteThread call is the problem, and if that is fundamental to how Taskbar Tweaker works, I suppose there is no solution. I can request unblocking, but I need valid business justification, and much as I love the ability to rearrange my taskbar, I doubt that is sufficient business justification for a security exception!

        • Cordialmente says:

          I have the same problem with CylancePROTECT software… I am so sorry not to be anymore able to use 7TT!!!!!!

          There is not a way to fix this issue?


          • As I have already written here:
            I’m familiar with Cylance not liking 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, but unfortunately there’s not much I can do with it. That’s the way it is at least since 2016: one, two, three.

            You can try contacting Cylance for a solution or for a way to whitelist the tweaker.

            • Cordialmente says:

              Thanks for your reply, I did not want to bother you, just looking for some potential way to fix it, but I see there is not and it is not depending on you.
              I will try to contact Cylance.

              Thanks again.

  20. Nehal says:


    This software is not able to run. We have trend micro running in our corporate network and my computer. It throws an error of behaviour violation. It is a fantastic utility but cannot make it run.

    Any help is welcome.

    P.s – Have communicated to trend micro just now.

  21. Vern says:

    How to I get textify to collect text ?
    Move textify over msg or what ?

  22. Sarah Gardner says:

    Got an odd sounding request for 7 taskbar tweaker.

    Could it be made to set the taskbar to auto hide on exit (and during crashes) and to disable auto-hide once it’s finished starting.

    This will be useful in conjunction with no_width_limit as it means window positions wont get screwed up if the taskbar goes back to its original width, and also startup will be a bit prettier as you wont see the taskbar resize.

  23. Wayne Steele says:

    I don’t know when it happened, but sometime after Windows did an update on my computer, 7 Taskbar Tweaker no longer works on any of my Windows 10 computers. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but I still get the same results. When I right click on the taskbar I get the Windows 10 jumplist and not the one I used to get on 7TT. I’ve tried everything I know to do. It is like Microsoft is subverting your program for some reason. The only thing that does seem to work is eliminating the “Show Desktop” icon on the taskbar. I don’t know about the grouping of taskbar items because I have that turned off on the Windows 10 settings anyway.

  24. Wayne Steele says:

    I’m only using the Beta version that I downloaded from the software link on your web page. It was working fine when I initially loaded it after I changed to Windows 10 (this is on several computers), but sometime after some Windows updates it stopped functioning alltogether. Nothing that I change in 7tt works except for hiding the Show Desktop link. I’ve removed 7tt from my computer and reinstalled it and get the same result. It is like Windows has taken control of the taskbar and won’t let it go (my opinion). I don’t know if other users are having this problem or just haven’t noticed it yet. I just know it is no longer working for me.

    Personally I’ve had more than my share of problems with Windows 10. I have one of my computers set up to be a media server and every time Windows updates the Media server function is turned off. I have to go and turn it on again. Lots of things like that happen with other things too. Very frustrating.

  25. Greiner says:

    Hello Mister,

    Resource Hacker 4.25 in German Language ?

  26. Blair says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,

    Can 7TT restore the order of the items in a group after a reboot?

    This old post by someone else explains what I’m looking for:

    I added to that post, asking: “Did this feature ever get implemented?”

    Thanks, Blair

  27. Blair says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Don’t you think that would be a useful feature? I sure would like it.

    Wouldn’t that be rather simple to implement? Save item order in each group when shutting down, restore when starting up.

    Would you consider adding that as a feature?

    Thanks, Blair

    • Don’t you think that would be a useful feature?

      It can be nice, but it’s probably not a feature that I personally will find very useful.

      Wouldn’t that be rather simple to implement?

      Not that simple. You need a way to identify the windows (By the window title? What if there are several folders with the name “Test”?). You also need to be able to know when the system is done initializing. When should the order be restored?
      If you’re a programmer, you can try implementing it yourself by using the 7+ Taskbar Tweaking Library.

  28. Hans Mayer says:

    Hi, i use Virtuoz is a great Piece of Software :-),

    btw. but your Site is as malicious classiefied..
    look at

    CRDF Malicious site
    ParetoLogic Malware site

  29. Rinaldo says:

    Thanks for this amazing piece of software.
    With the new Windows 10 creators update, it’s no longer possible to change the volume scrolling on the icon. It also displays an error when launching saying it can’t load a library.

    • Michal says:

      I just upgraded Windows 10 to Creators update, ran Taskbar Tweaker and found out it’s not compatible (window sorting does not work). Right after the start the app displays a message: “7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (104)”

      RaMMicHaeL, could you please update Taskbar Tweaker so it works with Creators update? I’ll donate once again. Thank you! 🙂

      I’d be grateful for any alpha release which works on Creators update.

  30. Ata says:

    7+ Taskbar Tweaker is really good software, but unfortunately, Creators Update crushed it.
    It says “Can’t load the library”.
    Will we get new version?
    Thank you.

  31. JohnG says:

    Any idea when the Creators Update fix will be ready?

  32. I F Mosley says:

    With the Windows 10 ‘Creators Update’ due out on 11th April 2017, when will this be available?

  33. Lelahelry says:

    Hey, I’ve made a donation of 0.000055 bitcoins, I know it is almost nothing but, my mother would never accept to donate for a software that I can obtain free if I wait, so I took the few bitcoins I got for free by watching ads, and I made a donation. The problem is that by going through the bitcoins, you do not get my email, and I can’t download your software, so can you add my email in the donations list. :3

    Thanks for reading my reply. I love your work. <3

  34. Big Boy says:

    I left a donation but no email with download link.

  35. zakius says:

    Hey, thanks for your great tools!
    Since you are so skilled in this stuff maybe you could also create tool or extend one of existing ones to allow bringing back “taskbar order” alt+tab task switcher? MRU introduced few versions back still pisses me off so much I can’t use more than 2 windows at a time

  36. Andrea says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,

    thanks for 7 + Taskbar Teaker! As I am a little bit older, I found that the icons in the W10-Taskbar were very small. Then came yout tool, and the world was okay again.

    But as I now got e new pc, I wanted to use it again. Unfortunately I cannot find the advanced adjustments, wer the option for making the icons great again has been.

    Can you tell me, were it ist gone (and probably why)?

    Thanks very much,

  37. Andrea says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,
    thanks a lot!

  38. Serdar Candan says:

    I have updated to windows 10 creators update but 7+ taskbar tweaker doesn’t work. What can I do?

  39. Serdar Candan says:

    Same as before: “………..library couldn’t be loaded………”

    • Please verify that you’re using the latest version of the tweaker, and that your Windows build is not an insider build. If that’s not the case, please provide more details, including your Windows 10 build number, and the exact message that you’re getting.

  40. Marsden says:

    Hey Ram,
    I am currently deleting a profile on logout/shutdown/reboot of the PC. When they login their profile is created from a template. Currently the taskbar tweaker displays the window when this occurs and I’d rather it just stay minimized in the taskbar so that the person isn’t “inclined” to mess around with the settings. Can you think why this this is occurring and if there is a way to get it to just start up without opening the window on login of a new profile?

  41. Arthur says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,
    First of all let me say ‘thank you’ for all your useful applications provided here and especially for “winapiexec”.
    After using “winapiexec” and some other 3rd party tools, I have thought of an idea of a very simple (and probably tiny) application that could be useful for others too. I think it could be done in a hour or so by an experienced Win32 developer like you.
    Please let me know if it makes any sense to write to you by email about this subject … or maybe here in comments.
    I don’t know how much time is dedicated to this apps you provide here, so maybe you ignore things like this and it’s understandable if so.
    Thank you once more.

    • Hi Arthur,
      Thank you for your feedback, I’m glad that you found my applications useful. winapiexec is one of those that get less attention, so it’s nice to get some feedback about it, too.
      Feel free to suggest your idea here or by mail, whatever you prefer.

      • Arthur says:

        Thank you for your reply.
        I’ve just sent an email related to this subject. I hope that “mm…ev@” email addres is the right one and you’ll not be scaried by a lot of reading. I tried to be more or less technical and explicit.

  42. nicob789 says:

    Hello RaMMicHaeL,

    Thank you very much for 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, which help me to be more productive in my professional life. However the new version of the software is detected as a malicious software by bitdefender antivirus and ESET antivirus.

    Has your website been victim of an attack ?

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    • Hi,

      That’s a known false positive detection. The new version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker was just released a couple of days ago, and unfortunately, it’s common for new versions to be falsely detected. For example, see here.

      You can see a previous report about the detection here.

      If you’re worried, you can wait a few days before updating, I believe that the false detection will be removed by then. Also, you might want to let the antivirus companies know about the false detection, which will help accelerate the detection removal.

  43. Sebasto says:

    Hi Developers,
    there is an issue while installing the update 5.3 – 5.4:

    The McAffee Antivirus detects it as malware.

    You might need to register something at McAffee.

    For this, I attached the Scan Result:

    Analyzer / Detector
    Product name McAfee Endpoint Security
    Product version
    Feature name On-Execute Scan

    Action taken Blockieren
    Threat category Malware erkannt
    Threat event ID 35104
    Threat handled Yes
    Threat name ATP/Suspect!6d8cf0d86de1
    Threat severity Critical
    Threat timestamp 23.10.2017 14:41
    Threat type Trojaner

    Source process name C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE
    Source user name GLOBAL\D031389

    Target hash d3eaba6caf8f4aa0353ebc2e3f8394b6
    Target name 7TT_SETUP.EXE
    Target path C:\USERS\D031389\DOWNLOADS

    Vector type Local System
    Description Adaptiver Bedrohungsschutz – Erkennung

  44. Z says:

    the taskbar tweaker is great!!! thanks… and i really need just one setting, that is how can i set the padding value (white space around the icon) of my choice for the pinned taskbar icons on win10… also for the noticification area icons if possible please…

    is there a regsitry value we can change to make this happen??? i have been searching for this tweak for months but no luck, your taskbar tweaker has one setting for to remove the space and extra gap between icons… so i assume you must know how to achieve this???

    i will check back for replys when i can. thanks in advance.

  45. Dzmitry says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,

    Thanks for useful software. I wonder if I can use it at work too. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any license information inside the distributives.
    Could you please tell which kind of license covers your utilities?
    Thanks in advance.

  46. Cristian says:

    Hey Michael… Big thanks for making 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

    One question/suggestions:
    – I use my taskbar on the left side of the screen while using a wacom tablet and it would be really useful if the taskbar could be flipped vertical? What I mean is having the start button on the bottom, then the pinned apps, then the opened apps and at the top the system tray, clock and notifications.
    Would this even be possible?


  47. Ady M says:

    Hi Michael,

    I love the fact that I can rearrange the tasks on the taskbar. There’s a problem, though.

    When I use multiple virtual desktops (part of Windows 10), the order of the tasks that I’ve chosen is lost every time I switch between the virtual desktops. Can you confirm this?

    Most relevant 7TT settings used:
    * Thumbnails >> Drag to reorder
    * Grouping >> Don’t group
    * Combining >> Don’t combine grouped buttons

    Windows 10 Pro, Version 1709, Build 16299.125

    Thank you so much for 7 Taskbar Tweaker!

  48. sahil says:

    Thanks for the tools!

  49. Cross says:

    Hey, there! I’ve donated before and I want to try the Spring Creators Update alpha version, but I am not receiving an email.

  50. hydac9 says:

    Thank you for this !!!!!!! it is so useful for me, I really hate the way the task bar behaves in 7 and 10, I’m using don’t group, standard windows menu, hoovering-nothing, dropping-open with and so on.. THANK YOU

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