Windhawk mod: Vertical Taskbar for Windows 11

I’m excited to announce a mod that I’ve been working on for some time now: Vertical Taskbar for Windows 11. This was the #1 request on the list in Windhawk mods for the Windows 11 taskbar. The development of this mod took some iterations and failed approaches, but I was finally able to make it work. The implementation is largely based on element rotation, which is available for UWP elements, but it also required many tricks and adjustments to make it work correctly, having the right dimensions and positions for all elements.

Bugs and limitations

I tried to leave as little unfixed bugs as I could while also not delaying the release of the mod indefinitely. There are some minor known issues, but the mod should be fairly stable. If you encounter any issues, please let me know.

Features and more customizations

The first version of the mod can only place the taskbar on the left. I have it on the roadmap to make it possible to move it to the right. Other customization options are planned as well, such as rotating the clock. If you have other suggestions, let me know.


The development of this mod was funded by AuthLite LLC. Thank you for contributing and allowing all Windhawk users to enjoy it!

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on June 12th, 2024.

4 Responses to “Windhawk mod: Vertical Taskbar for Windows 11”

  1. Gomez Golez says:

    hi,when will you release support for 24h2? btw, taskbar height and grouping doesnt work either in 24h2.

  2. Tempest says:

    That’s awesome! A vertical taskbar is a great way to save some screen real estate, especially for those with widescreen monitors. I can’t wait to try it out. Looking forward to seeing a preview or download link!

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