Windhawk mod update: Taskbar Labels for Windows 11

About six months ago, I announced the Taskbar Labels for Windows 11 mod. It was a good proof of concept and a nice showcase for a Windhawk mod, but it had some outstanding issues, including disappearing labels, misplaced badges and mishandling of a large amount of items. This lead to a suboptimal experience with the mod – I know that very well since I’ve been using it on a daily basis. Lately, I was finally able to allocate some time for fixing these issues and improving the mod to be less buggy and also more customizable.

I’ve just published version 1.1 of Taskbar Labels for Windows 11, and I invite you to try it out. I’m quite happy with the improvements, and I hope that it will make your daily usage of Windows 11 more enjoyable and productive.

Among the newly added customization settings, it’s now possible to choose one of the running indicator styles:

Running indicator styles
(click to enlarge)

Which one do you like more? Would you like to see any other customizations in the taskbar? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Posted in Software, Updates by Michael (Ramen Software) on March 11th, 2023.

9 Responses to “Windhawk mod update: Taskbar Labels for Windows 11”

  1. BrightPot says:

    Great work and great update. Since this new version there is an “Advance tab” to have Custom process inclusion list and Custom process exclusion list. But it seems that they are doing nothing. Is that an upcoming feature?

  2. Алексей Долматов says:

    Пишут, что в ранних тестовых версиях (Canary) Windows 11 есть признаки работы Microsoft в этом направлении (режим группировки, надписи, группировка для вторичного монитора).
    Так что есть шанс получить функции “из коробки”, хоть и возможный срок на следующие года. Думаю, не ранее 2025 года для стабильных выпусков. При этом не отвергаю мысль, что могут перенести готовое решение в виде патча (обновления) в другую ветку обновлений.
    До штатной реализации полезно иметь альтернативное решение, а может быть потом мод будет предоставлять нештатные фичи.

  3. Lil Tee says:

    Wow. It is amazing. I’ve tested it and am very happy to use it. Thank you very much for your mod!!!

  4. zakius says:

    Apparently some newer builds that may be intended to become w12 have strings suggesting uncollapsing and labels are coming, but we’ll see how that develops
    in the meantime having another option to turn the messy dock into taskbar is nice to have, I just hope the other issues (all the quirks of notifications, calendar, star menu…) get fixed before 10 gets killed too

  5. TheRealJocki says:

    Amazing little helper!
    Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work for me after the latest Windows update. The labels are exactly as before, but no name is displayed. Is this a local problem with me, or does the mod need an adjustment?

    Thanks again for this great project.

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